Chapter 9. Powers of the Omegas

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Jason's POV

Xia Yao's friends looked at me in shock with opened mouths until Kuhn grabbed my arm with slight anger visible on his face.

"Yao-er, i need to borrow your mate for a second." Is all he said and he dragged me into the bedroom next to us. I could've resisted him and keep on holding onto Yao-er, but i might as well get this over with now. 

He slammed the door shut after i entered and looked me right in the eyes.

"Okay. Explain." I let out a sigh myself before i started talking.

"My name is Yuan Haou Zong, People usually call me Jason, i am 25 years old and i am an omega. What more do you want to know?"

"Maybe the fact that you call yourself an omega but you are even bigger than any alpha i've seen? And you definitely don't behave like a submissive omega?!"

"Neither do you though." I blankly retorted.

"True, but my case is a bit more...unnatural. Anyways, explain, how are you so....alpha as an omega?" Unnatural?

"Okay. I'm going to explain this to you and you can explain this to your beta as well. However, i do not want any other individuals to know about this information, is that clear?" I asked him pointedly.

"Yeah yeah, fine, i get it. Just get on with it!"

"Okay so as you might know, male omega's have a chance to possess special abilities right?"


"The ability i have is to consume other wolves to feed my wolf. I was born an omega but i somehow possessed the alpha gene dormant in my DNA. This was strange since i have no relatives who were alpha, i just assumed this was part of my ability. Anyways, consuming wolf meat and blood feeds this gene as well, which eventually led to it overtaking my omega nature and forcing me into a second puberty. However i still have some of the omega traits, i can feel the emotions of other people near me especially well and i know how to make others feel calm. Having both my alpha and omega sides has helped me growing my businesses tremendously, but you are probably not interested in that. Is everything clear now?"

"I guess?" He scratched the back of his head, probably still trying to get a complete grip on the situation.

"Now i have a question for you. What did you mean by unnatural?" I squinted my eyes at him, making sure to stay focused on the topic, this was something i needed an answer to.

"Ugh, Simon already knows this, you might as well. I am an omega and i have the ability to become the host of a dead or dying wolf. When i was young there was this wolf that i got close to and was close to dying whilst defending me from an attack as i was out in the wild. It just so happens that this wolf was Fenryr."


"Don't you know the story of Fenryr?"

"Never heard of it." Then again, i know very little about wolf mythology as my parents kind of neglected that.

"Jesus christ! Fenryr is the son of the moon goddess." This had even me stunned for a second. The boy in front of me is saying that he is the host of the moon goddess' direct offspring? 

"Is that even possible?"

"Apparently, since i am the living proof of that. Ugh wait i'll just let him talk to you." His eyes started changing colors and i could hear the stretching of skin and the rearranging of bones, i took a step back thinking that he was about to change into some huge wolf but instead i was met with another human.


"No, no this isn't Kuhn." He chuckled, looking directly at me with a smile more relaxed and confident than Kuhn. "I'm Dante, nice to meet you." He held out his hand for me, which i took and shook his hand. "Jason."

"If you are really Fenryr, why are you called Dante?"

"Fenryr is a little old fashioned for a human don't you think? When i am in my wolf form, i prefer Fenryr."

"Wait so Kuhn is 2 humans and 2 werewolves in 1 body?" I asked, trying to calculate this situation. Coming from a wolf that gains strength from cannibalism that's a lot.

"I get that you are confused, don't worry. Not exactly, whereas werewolves like you and Kuhn have a human and a wolf living inside of you with a separate mind, i am both wolf and human in soul, body and mind. Until i met Kuhn, i never had a human form, but i wanted to experiment a bit so i created a human form. So technically there are 3 people in Kuhn's body. Kuhn, his wolf Soo and me."

"Okay, i think i understand. This at least explains why Kuhn wouldn't submit to me."

"Mhm.  I am kind of the first werewolf you know, the only creature that would be able to make me submit is my mother and i guess Kuhn as well but it's more complying than submitting. The same counts for Simon."

"How did you meet Simon, Dante?"

"Kuhn met Simon in school. They became friends, i was interested in the little omega and took over Kuhn's body one day to meet Simon. You better treat him well, because if my little cutie gets hurt because of you, i will make you suffer." He threatened me, which actually made me slightly nervous. 

If i compare Kuhn to Dante there is so much difference yet so much similarity. Their faces are fairly similar but Kuhn had a bit of a rounder face where Dante had a much more defined and sharper face. Kuhn was a pretty tall boy at i would say 6'3''ish but Dante was one of the only people i met that met my eye level yet he was still a little shorter than i was, i would say 6'9'' or 6'10''. His blond hair changed to a deep black color. His voice was much deeper. His body was filled out a lot more, Dante had a fairly similar build to me. However the biggest change was that whenever Dante spoke, the omega part of me was coming through. If Dante were to command me something i am afraid i wouldn't be able to stop it. Which pissed me off but it was understandable at the same time as he is literally the ancestor of all werewolves. 

"Anyways, i think we have gotten to know each other a bit better. So i can only tell you one more thing...Take care of Simon for us. Xiao Yao has waited a long time for you to return to him. Don't  disappoint him and make sure to give him all the love he missed and needs."

"I will. I guess i should thank you as well then for taking care of my Simon." I nodded and smiled at him. The people close to Simon approve of me as his mate which delights me, the last thing i want is to split Simon apart from his loved ones because they don't accept me.

"It's alright really. If you ever need our help, or the help of our pack. You can come to us, Alpha Jason." I thanked him again, before opening the door where Min and my little Xia Yao were expectantly looking up at us.

"Oh. You met Dante."

"Yeah. They now know i'm an omega, Yao-er."

"Mhm." He smiled up at me as i wrapped my arms around his body again and leaned down to peck his head.

"However, what Kuhn said earlier still stands. Don't rape him. Simon, if he does something you don't like, kick him in the balls just like i taught you!" Dante encouraged Simon, who made a fist and took a step forward trying to look scary without much success.

"I will wait until you are ready Xia Yao." I whispered from behind him. "But the full moon doesn't wait..."  

(Your boy Dante - played by Kim Woo Bin (If you guys forgot <3)

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(Your boy Dante - played by Kim Woo Bin (If you guys forgot <3)

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