A/N - I've decided to only put these things at the end of chapters unless I need to, so on with the story!!
P.s. - If you didn't know, the italics are for when the person is thinking to themselves.
|Roman's P.O.V.
I sank back down into my room. I was filled with anger and sadness and guilt all at the same time. I sighed loudly. I felt completely awful for calling Virgil paranoia.
What was I thinking??
I sighed again and layed down on my bed.
I feel asleep for a short while, but woke up and then my mind wouldn't let me sleep
1:00 am...
I'm such am awful person. Why am I like this? He was only telling the truth. I'm not a good creativity.... I hate all these insecurities. I'm so bad at what I do... Ugh, he hit me just right to make me feel terrible for what I said, and about myself. Well, I shouldn't really blame him, I started it, plus I would've thought these things anyway, even if they weren't brought up. Also, those things I said to Patton were horrible. I must've hurt him a lot, he's so sensitive. I wish I could just change myself into a better person.....Wait.... Maybe there is a way to....
I sat up, thinking hard.
Logan's P.O.V.
I sank down as Thomas was done speaking.
I sat on the edge of my bed and finally let the tears come. I hated myself for crying. For showing signs of weakness. For being like this over a few petty words.
A robot...That's all I am. I can't understand human emotions, so I'm not entitled to have them.
I have plenty of brains, but when it comes to emotions, I know nothing about the subject.
" I wish I didn't have these feelings. " I whispered. " I hate crying. I hate feeling so useless and pathetic. I wish I could just change the way I am. "
Well, technically.... There is a way....but do I really want to go to that extent?
I sighed audibly and pulled my laptop over. I worked on schedules and video work for a few hours. When I could no longer ignore the voice in my head, I put my head in my hands. I looked up at the clock.
2:00 am...
I bit my lip nervously.
Virgil's P.O.V.
I sank back into my room in the mind palace. As soon as I was there, I dropped to my hands and knees. Tears were streaming down my face, and small, chocked sobs were coming from me. I sat there for a while, just crying. Why did he have to bring up my past? My traumatizing, horrible, regretful past? I curled into a fetal position on my bed as I felt a panic attack coming on soon. My breathing quickened, and I became less aware of my surroundings.
Maybe I am just a downer. Why can't I just smile and show happiness like the others? I wish I wasn't so afraid of what the others thought of me. I wish I could just be helpful for once. I hurt Princey with my words tonight, and what I said to Logan was pretty bad too. Why am I such a horrible person?
After a while, I somehow fell asleep, but woke up, breathing rapidly. The cause? A nightmare... I was sitting on the floor curled into a ball, as the others were yelling insults and horrible things at me.
Why can't I just be different?!?
" Well, technically I could... However much I would hate to resort to this... "
I looked at the clock
How fitting... 3:00 am... The devil's hour.
Patton's P.O.V.
Everyone sunk down once Thomas was done talking. It had been a long night, and I was feeling anything and everything other than happy. I sat on my bed and pulled my legs to my chest. That's when the tears came. I cried for so long, I lost track of time.
Roman was right... I can't help everyone all the time. I definitely didn't help anyone tonight. Why do I have to have any of these other feelings... The not happy ones. I'm such a crybaby.
I cried myself to sleep, but the relief from reality didn't last long. My mind was screaming at me, and I couldn't fall back asleep.
Why am I like this? I wish I could just change...Well...I mean... I could... It's probably not the best idea, but...
I looked over at clock.
4:00 am..... I guess it's time to pay someone a visit...
|You all have probably guessed the mystery of what happens next, but I tried to make it secretive, subtle and mysterious, Lol. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, poor sides :'(
sorry, it's kinda short, ( but, two chapters in one night, go me! ) thank you all so much for reading and commenting and voting. I love you all, bye!!- Kay
( 831 words! )

A Change Of Sides
Fanfictionthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...