Sorry this took forever, and sorry that it's a sucky chapter, but, here ya go nevertheless, hope you enjoy the cringe 😅😋
|Thomas's P.O.V
I started to hyperventilate, but at the same time, I couldn't breathe. The room started to spin.
No, no, no, not right now, not right now!!
I sunk to my hands and knees. I knew it was setting in. I could barely tell what was around me as the others rushed over to me. It wasn't until Patton threw his arms around me, despite Virgil's reproachful muttering, that I realised I was repeating the word 'no' over and over. Panic was too simple of a word to describe what I was feeling. This is paranoia?! My heart was beating a million miles an hour, and my brain was rushing through everything and anything that could be going wrong. That WILL go wrong!!!!
Everything is gonna go wrong.
This was a mistake.
It's gonna kill us.
We're gonna die.....
I could barely make out the voices around me, but....
" Thomas!!! "
Who was that?
" THOMAS!!!! "
" can you hear me? its Virgil. Listen to me, you have to calm down. Its okay, we're here. We won't let anything bad happen to you. "
" technically, something bad alrea- "
" Logan, stop it! That's not helpful! "
" my apologies, "
" just breathe, Thomas. It's going to be okay "
Virgil put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.
" come on, Thomas. Let's get you to bed, and maybe you can rest. "
I shakily stood up and, with the other's help, got to my room and in my bed.
I felt like I would never be able to fall asleep in this state. My mind started going through every single effect that sleep deprivation could have on you, as l slowly felt myself drift into unconsciousness.
Virgil's P.O.V.
" thanks, Rem. Lord knows he needed it..... "
" well as his sleep, it's my job, babes. The only downside is, in this state he's prolly more prone to nightmares, and it'll be wayyyy harder to put him back to sleep if he wakes up from one. " he rested his sunglasses on the top of his head and drank his coffee.
I sat there thinking, only half hearing what Remy was saying. One thing was still really bothering me. Apart from this situation as a whole. Who could've left that note? It wasn't Remy, Picani is at work, and he would've left his name, or probably come to talk to us in person.... but that means.... it would have to of th-
" Virgil? "
I snapped my head toward Logan.
" uh, yeah? "
" are you alright? You were muttering under your breath and staring at the wall for almost five minutes. "
I still barely heard what he was saying.
" yeah, yeah.... I have to do something, and if my suspicions are right, then we might have a way to fix this. Logan, Roman, I want you both with me. " they nodded, not sure what I had in mind, but wanted to take any chance we had in fixing Thomas. " Patton, Remy, can you stay here and keep an eye on him? "
" sure thing kiddo "
" can do babes. "
" Patton, text Picani and try to get him over here as soon as possible. You know he'd want to be involved in this, and he could be helpful in calming Thomas. "
He nodded and grabbed his phone.
" Virgil, I have to say, you never have really..... taken charge like this before, " Roman said.
" Well, thomas is in trouble, and I know how he's feeling.... i don't want him to go through this any longer than he has to. "
He simply nodded again, yet had an impressed look on his face.
" alright..... let's fix this. "
|I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I, at least, enjoyed bringing Remy and Emile into the story, even if Emile isnt quite IN it yet. Hopefully I'll get the next chapter out quicker this time, and thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting, I love you all, stay awesome!
❤- Kay
( 682 words! )

A Change Of Sides
Fanfictionthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...