Virgil's P.O.V.
I groaned as I stood at the beginning of the dark sides' hallway. I never wanted to come back here. It was all to familiar. The flickering lights. The black walls. The cold air. A feeling of hopelessness and despair that overwhelms you as soon as you stepped into the hall. Then, of course, my voice always did that dark thing it does whenever my anxiety is maximised. It always is like this here, and I definitely never thought I would come to this point. The point of returning just to make another contract with deceit. These normally didn't end well, but I will think things through thoroughly this time. Even if I hate him with every fiber of my being.... This is my only option at this point.
I stopped in front of his door, and hesitantly knocked. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I pushed the thought aside, because this needed to happen. Plus, I don't have to sign a contract if it's not right.
An obviously angry Deceit swung the door open. " Jeez already, you- " he stopped when he saw me standing there with a less than happy look on my face. " Well, well, well..... Virgil here too, huh? "
" Wait, the others..... Were here? "
" only two. I'm guessing you want to make a deal of some sorts to change who you are or something. " he asked, rolling his eyes.
" Yeah, well, unfortunately, as much as I despise you, this was my only option. So here I am. "
" Seriously though? Three in the morning? Alright, come on. I'm totally not in the mood to break out another contract. "
I swear, if the others did anything stupid...
I sighed and stepped in to see all the black and yellow and a table with two chairs. Way too familiar. I sat down in the chair and looked at him.
" So what is it this time? "
I growled at him. I wanted him to know I still hated him. " I want to feel... Accepted in the group more? I guess... "
" Are you not already? "
I hissed at him. " you didn't let me finish. " he raised an eyebrow at me. " I feel.... Separated from everyone because of who I used to be. I want to be less of a downer. I want to be able to smile more. I..... I want to not care about what the others think of me... or my past. "
I looked down at the table. I would. Not. Cry. Not in front of him.
" There's no contract for that. " he snapped his fingers and a contract appeared in front of him. " This doesn't say that you get all that stuff you wanted, blah, blah, blah, and all you don't have to do.... Is change the name of your trait. "
" Really? That's it? Okay then... " I signed the contract and gave it back. Then before he could say anything, I left. I didn't want to be in there any longer than I had to. The thing was... That smirk he had on his face when I closed the door. It was very.... unsettling. I though and thought as I made my way back to my room. Then as I shut the door, I gasped, my eyes going wide.
Change my trait name.... That means my trait will change... I said I didn't want to worry about what the others thought...what have I done!?
I sunk to my knees. I grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled something down. I then put it up on a shelf. noticeable to someone who would look, not too noticeable to someone who wasn't.
I am an idiot. I can't believe I fell for his stupid traps AGAIN. This will not go over well. I hope the others didn't make as big of a mistake as I did. We were all a little..... Discombobulated after the argument. Oof, I spend too much time with Logan... There's really not much I can do now...
I layed down and closed my eyes. What did I just do...
|Well that's not foreboding at all...
I hope you liked the chapter, and I am getting my motivation high again, so hopefully chapters more often and longer. Thank you so much for reading, ily all!!!
- Kay
( 720 words! )

A Change Of Sides
Fanfictionthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...