Thomas's P.O.V.
everything is back to normal.... well, almost. Now, Deceit has a house in the real world as well. I'm glad we finally sorted things out, and now things are better than when we started! Everything happens for a reason, right? Also, Remy and Emile come to visit more often, and we visit them in the mind space too. Things are looking up again. Finally!
??? P.O.V.
Great...... just great........ Deceit's gone to the "good" side......
I'll show them there really are no good sides. They're no better than we are.
They'll see.|
|Alrighty!!!! I'm starting the new book, it's going to be called
What doesn't kill you...
Love y'all, stay awesome 🖤
( 116 words )

A Change Of Sides
Fanfictionthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...