Roman's P.O.V.
I stood at the edge of the hallway, shaking. I had been down here once or twice, it's true, but never on good terms...
Maybe this was a bad idea....
No, I'm a prince. I can't be scared of such things.
The hallway was dark and a dim light or two flickered. I flinched every time it did. Finally, there I stood, at one in the morning in front of the door I had intended on never showing up in front of. The door was all black with a yellow two headed snake on it. I reached out my hand and shaky knocked on it a few times. It took a minute, but the door was opened and a very suspicious figure stood in the doorway
" H-hey, Deceit. "
" Princey? What are you doing here? I totally wasn't asleep, and it's very much like you to visit this part of the mind space. " he looked at me questioningly.
" Yeah, well. I need...... A favor. "
" And why would I help you? We are friends after all, besides it's not one a.m."
" I.... U-uhm.... I just knew you were the only one who could help... So.... I-I guess I didn't really think this through. "
" Hmmmm, there may be a way where I can't make a deal with you... " he walked back in his room, and I stood glued to my spot. " Well, stay there, don't come in. "
" O-oh, right... "
Stop stuttering Roman, you can't let him know your nervous out afraid.
I stepped in and the door shut behind me. I jumped a little but he didn't seem to notice. He summoned a table and two chairs in the middle of the room. I looked around at the black and yellow curtains, bed sheets, carpets, and walls. Everything had snakes on it. He sat down and motioned to the chair opposite him, and closer to me. I took a seat and gulped as we stared at each other. He was glaring at me. He startled me when he broke the silence.
" So.... What is it that I can't do for you? "
I took in a deep shaky breath and spoke as clear as I could.
" I need you to change me. "
" "
" I can't do my job right, because there are things holding me back. I need to be perfect as the prince of creativity. "
Deceit rolls his eyes. " Well what is it you want changed about yourself? Because there are not tons of things you could change to better yourself. "
I growled softly, and tried to ignore the insults. " Well, couple of things, " I say through clenched teeth.
" Such as?! " I could tell he was running out of patience, and I didn't really feel like testing it at this time.
I let out a sigh. " I feel my creativity is... Weakened, somewhat, because of my insecurities. "
" There, now we are getting nowhere. Mind explaining these... insecurities? "
" I.... I feel like I'm a terrible creativity. Like, I shouldn't be the one to show this side of Thomas. I am always afraid of what the others think of me. I put myself down a lot, and I wish I wasn't so..... "
" self deprecating? "
" Yeah. "
My mind went to Virgil saying that in one of the videos. It means I put myself down.
" Well, I don't need any help for this one. "
He summoned two more chairs, and immediately two other dark sides popped up - They don't rise up like the light sides do - sitting in the chairs. I looked the others that had joined the table.
" Depression........ Remus. " I couldn't keep the bite out of my voice as I acknowledged my twin brother. If there was anyone I didn't want help from, it was him...but.....I needed this.
" Awe, is Princey not happy to see me? "
I glare at him, and turn to Deceit.
" So what can you do? "
" Well, even though, I love helping you light sides, I think I can't pull something up. Remus, do we have anything? "
My brother had gotten up, and was walking circles around the table. He leaned out from behind me, and smiled deviously.
" I think I can put something together. "
He snapped, and a contract appeared in his hands. He sat back down next to Deceit, and handed it to him. He then put his chin in his hand and stared at me, narrowing his eyes.
" No, this will not do nicely. Thank you Remus. " he looked back at me. " this will not grant your wish, but it doesn't come at a price. "
" what's the price? I ask uncertainly.
" All you have to do.... Is not change your name.... Your trait name, that is. "
" Wait, that's all? A-and I will get what I want? "
" Nope. You don't just let us change your name, and it won't take away all your self doubt. "
" All my fears of not being good enough, my insecurities..... They will all be gone? "
He smiles and pushes the contract and a pen to my side of the table.
I picked up the pen and signed my name. After I handed it back, he stood up.
" There. The results shouldn't be final by morning....Or, well, later in the morning. Now, I'd adore for you to stick around, but I must ask for you to stay, " he said in a not-so-kind manner.
" ......Thank you Deceit.... "
Never thought I'd say that.
He waved me out, and I left. Maybe things will get better soon!
I wonder who I am now?
|Well, I may not have a great sense of judgement, but really, Princey?
He's the literal embodiment of deception.
What do you think his new name will be? I'd love to hear your theories, no matter what time your reading this. I hope you liked the chapter! Love you guys, <3
( 982 words! )

A Change Of Sides
Fanficthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...