Hey guys, I actually feel really good about this book, when I got inspired for this one, I just started brainstorming and writing stuff down, because I feel like this one's going to be awesome! I have a really deep plot for this. Plus, it is my first sander sides fanfiction!!! Yay!!! So I'm excited to get it out there, and I'll try to be putting up chapters frequently. I hope you enjoy the story, and the first chapter!
|Thomas's P.O.V.
I got out of bed and stretched. Today was another day to work on a sander sides video. I'm supposed to get this one uploaded tonight. I go and knock on Patton's door. He makes breakfast every morning. All of my sides, of course, have their own rooms in the mind space in my brain, but Patton, Roman, Virgil, and Logan have rooms in my house too. Normally, they sleep here, but occasionally they do stay in the mind palace, especially Virgil. Most of their time is spent there too. I think Logan said something about if they stay in the real world for too long, it can be bad for them, but I think I zoned out. Oops... Anyways, Patton opened the door, and greeted me with his usual,
" Mornin' kiddo! "
And joined me downstairs. When breakfast was ready, I knocked on the other three's doors, and told them to get up. They got up and came downstairs in their usual order. Logan, five minutes after I called, Roman fifteen, and half an hour later, here comes Virgil. We discussed our plans for the next video over breckfast and set up everything after lunch.
" What is up, everybody? "
I started talking about the " newest issue in my life, " getting into fights with people you care about. Logan popped up first, telling me why I should apologise, and what was likely that the other person was thinking, or if they weren't. Patton came next, agreeing with the fact that I should say sorry, and that they would understand that they were in the wrong to, and apologise back. Roman then proceeded to explain why it wasn't my fault, I wasn't doing anything wrong, and all that because he didn't want to lower his ego to apologising when he didnt seem we did anything wrong.
" No, if we just not talk to them, we might never talk to them again, and Thomas would lose a friend. They would hate us, and Thomas would hate himself for letting that happen, all because of a stupid augment. " here's Virgil's input.
" well at least I'm trying to help Thomas, and not just freaking him out, gloom and doom. "
Oh, no...This is not going to end well....
" Alright, pump the breaks, Princey, we aren't putting people down here. "
" I'm sorry, but he is not saying anything that is worth hearing. "
" That is not tru- "
" Well, at least I'm not hurting Thomas, just because I have too much pride to admit I was wrong! " great, here we go.
" Don't be mean, kiddos. "
" It's not like your doing anything either Patton, you just push away all your feelings, so your not helpful in this situation. "
" Roman! " I said looking at him, " your crossing the line! No, your way past the line, the line is a dot to you! "
( if you get this reference, I love you. )Patton shrunk away from Roman.
" Roman, stop being a jerk to Patton just because you're in a creative slump. "
" Exuse me!? "
" well, you can't think of anything to help him, can you? So either it's that or you just suck at being creative. "
Roman gasped loudly and dramatically.
" At least I'm not a downer! All you do is upset people! "
" your self centered! "
" Your such a jerk, maybe your still evil, Paranoia! "
My eyes widen as the others gasped. Virgil looked infuriated, but tears filled his eyes. He looked away from everyone.
" ROMAN. That was completely uncalled for! " I said angrily
He put his hand over his mouth, and his eyes widened. " V-Virgil.....I.....I-I'm so, so sorry..... I didn't....I didn't mean..."
" Save it. "
Roman looked at the ground.
" This is no time to argue over matters that are not related to Thomas's problem. Although, you should not take any of Roman's words to heart, Virgil, because they are completely untrue. "
" Says the guy with no feelings. "
" Virgil, I know your upset, but don't take it out on Logan, " I said.
" What, it's not like he cares, he's practically a robot. He tries to hide the fact that he has any feelings in the first place, what little he has, anyways. "
" Let's just get back to the matter at hand. " Logan looked unfazed, but I could see the hurt in his eyes.
" Nobody's being very helpful at the moment, maybe we should all take a breather, and try this again later? " Patton suggested.
" Listen, Pat, we know you can't keep the happy mask on all the time. You can't always make everyone feel better and happier. "
Ugh, Roman nooo, you're making things worse.
I could tell that was a hard blow to Patton.
" Roman, stop being so loud and obnoxious! "
" Why do you always have such a horrible sight on the world and everyone in it? "
" Why are you so annoying and extra?! "
" Okay, okay, enough, " I groaned, not being able to put up with this anymore. There was no more noise, and none of the sides were looking at each other. Patton looked at me apologetically. I gave him a small smile and turned off the cameras. " We can try this again once everyone has cooled off. We all know that no one ment any of that, but I think we need a break. We can reshoot tomorrow. " everyone nodded or muttered an agreement. They all sunk down back to their rooms in the mind space, each needing their own surroundings. I thought everything would be fine by tomorrow.... Boy, was I wrong.
|Yay, the first chapter! I hope it was satisfactory. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and comment and vote, and I'll have the next chapter out super soon. If you have any advice or grammar mistakes you found, feel free to point those out. I love you all, bye!!
<3- Kay
( 1056 words! )

A Change Of Sides
Fanfictionthis is a story about Thomas Sanders and his life living with the sander sides! who knew how hectic it could be living with the different parts of yourself? Well it gets even crazier after an augment breaks out, and each side feels he has to change...