Chapter Ten

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Deceit's P.O.V. - surprise!!! Who saw this coming?

I looked away as the door closed shut, and sunk down on my bed. I looked over the contracts I had and threw them on the table in anger.

I hate being the bad guy. I can't let them know, but all I want.... Is what Virgil has. I try to help. I try to do what I can, but I have to play the bad guy. I'm a reject.

I sighed, and layed down. I didn't want to force this on Thomas, I never wanted to hurt him. I felt awful. I could never not be the bad guy since Virgil got accepted. How can I be a good guy when I don't even try to be? It's not like they'd want me anyways. Especially because of what I represent....

I wish there was something I could do.... But.... Well...... I could, but......

" No, I've caused nothing but harm..... It's the least I can do. "

It's the only thing I can do....

Thomas's P.O.V.

I looked at the door and smiled as it was a light purple with the dark purple emblem of the storm cloud. I swung the door open to see Virgil, back to normal, curled in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth. He looked up at me, and around at the mess around him.

" What...... Did.... You...... Do? " he asked, standing up.

" It's not important right now. We have to save the others. "

" Thomas. Yes, that is important, but this is more important at the moment. What. Did. You. Do!? "

" Okay, I might have made a deal with Deceit. "

" WHAT?!?! "

" Okay, but pleaseeeee don't freak out... "

" Too late! "

" I will explain later, but c'mon, we've gotta help the others. "

" Fine.... But you have some serious explaining to do later..... Also..... I'm sorry that you had to see me like that, though.... "

" Virgil, it wasn't your fault. "

" but it was! If I had never had tried a stunt like that in the first place,  none of this would have happened! "

" No, it was everyone else who made you feel awful, including me! "

" You didn't do anything wrong! "

" neither did you! "

" so..... Now what? "

" now we go help the others! "

He nodded at me, and we rushed to Patton's room first. I had a feeling he would be easiest to help, and that we would need him for the other two.


I'm sorry that these chapters are so short :/

But I hoped you liked the twist in the beginning and, well, the chapter as a whole.

Love you all!

- Kay

( 434 Words )

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