Chapter Eight

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A/N - just real quick, a couple shout outs to some really freaking awesome people:


Also, do you guys want me to dial down the amount of lies Deceit tells? Like, just make him super sarcastic? If i don't get any responses, I'll keep him like he is, but if it gets too confusing, I'll change it.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming....


Thomas's P.O.V.

I was furious. Deceit had NO RIGHT to do this! What was he thinking? As if I wasn't going to make him change them back. He had to do what I say, right? He is a part of me.

I stormed down to the dark Side's hallway. Instantly there was a change. I had never been to this part of my mind before...

It got real cold, real fast. There was an instantaneous feeling of dread as soon as I started to walk towards his door. If I'm being honest... I was scared. The lights flickered, there were shadows everywhere, and the walls were black. I couldn't help but feel small and insignificant as I progressed through the hall.

It felt like hours before I stood in front of the black and yellow door I was looking for. I shook the feeling away.... Or.... Tried too.... And pounded my fist on his door.

The new traits were really starting to get to me.... Messing with my head. Virgil made me feel a lot extra panicky, Roman was making me enraged at what he had done, because, how dare he do this to me. I had mixed emotions because of Patton trying to be only happy, and the fact that Logan had none and was trying to repress mine.

I rubbed my face with my hands. The emotional turmoil was too much. I needed to get this sorted out. And fast.

I banged my fist on the door again, harder this time.

" You have got to be kidding me! You guys have kept me up all morning with your nonsense, and yet, even after I do what you want, you still won't let me slee- "

He swung the door is open, and stopped mid rant, staring me down

" Thomas? I'm guessing that you haven't found the others'....... Transformations already. " he replaced the surprised look on his face with a smirk.

" Yeah, and you have some nerve doing what you did to them. " I growled.

" Yes, I am at fault here, " he said, rolling his eyes, " It's not like I did exactly what they asked me to. "You

" W-what? "

" They didnt asked me to help them, give me the details of what they wanted to change, and I did nothing for them. With one minor thing.... By changing their personality, it doesn't change what they stand for as well. What they represent as a part of you. "

" You HAVE to change them back. Now. "

" In so sorry, but I can do that. "

" Why. Not. "

" Well, it's not like they signed a contract or anything. "

I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, closing my eyes tightly.

" They..... Signed contracts..... With YOU...... To change who they are?! "

" Who they were. "

" What exactly did they ask for? "

He stepped to the side, revealing a table and two chairs on opposite sides.

" Well, why don't we discuss? "


Yeah, yeah, I know it's a short chapter, sorry... Ima try and get the next chapter out tonight or tomorrow. I hope you liked the chapter, and I want to say thank you all so much for taking the time to read, and those who vote a comment. I love you all so much!


- Kay

( 612 Words! )

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