Chapter Eighteen

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Emile's P.O.V. 

I yawned as I was walking home, I dont live far from the place I work. I turned on my phone and started scrolling through my notifications, which was mostly junk, but stopped when I saw a text from Remy and a missed call from Patton. They are really the only ones who text me, but Patton never calls during the work day because he knows I'm pretty busy. Remy, however, knows my work schedule.

Remy: Emile, babes, we need ya at the mind palace and quickly. Something's wrong with Thomas. Me and Patton are in the real world rn.

My eyes grew wide as I hurried towards the mind palace.

Me: On my way, where are you at?

Remy: we're in his bedroom.

Me: alright, I'll be there soon.

I got there as quickly as I could, and rose up into the real world, running to Thomas's room.

" I'm here! What's going on? "

The other two shushed me frantically and pointed to the sleeping Thomas in his bed.

Sorry, I mouthed. They nodded, and Patton almost tackled me in a hug, as I neared them. I laughed quietly and returned the hug. Remy came and gave me a hug from the side, smiling, but that smile quickly faded as I whispered " so what's going on? "


I sat looking at Thomas worriedly. After they told me what happened, I summoned my notebook and pen because if he wakes up, things could go......not so great. That's when they got back. First came Virgil, who I quickly gave a big hug, which he returned, then was Roman and we also exchanged hugs, and then Logan, who I shook hands with.

Deceit's P.O.V.

I rose up, seeing the three I came with as well as Patton, Remy, and Picanni. Gosh, they're gonna hate me..... especially after what I did....

I noticed Patton jump up as I rose up behind them. Remy glared at me, and Emile pointed at me looking all but frightened.

Virgil glanced at me supportively as I shrunk under their gazes.

" It's okay guys, he's with us. " Emile's scared expression slowly faded, Patton looked between the three of them questioningly, and Remy just looked me up and down suspiciously.

I nervously waved.

Emile looked up at me. " you aren't really the bad guy, are you? Or you at least dont want to be. "

I took a small step back, shaking my head sheepishly. " I'm sorry. I felt that this is what I had to do. "

I noticed Remy's face soften behind Emile.  " You just need some friends, right? Good ones. And you didn't think they'd accept you? "

My eyes widened a little and I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded my head and looked away, rubbing the the back of my neck.

When I looked back at them, Patton had come over, standing right in front of me. " can you fix Thomas? "

" yeah, but I need you to trust me. I understand what that sounds like, seeing as what I stand for, but- "

" please fix him. " there were tears in his eyes as he pleaded with me to make thomas better again.

" of course. "

I then summoned a contract with very few lettering. A read it out loud.

" By signing this, Thonas Sanders will return to normal. No conditions. "

I handed the pen to Patton because he was closest, and he signed it. It dissapeared as soon as he did.

Everyone then looked at Thomas expectantly. He didnt wake up. Panic grasped me until Remy stepped up.

" whoops, almost forgot. I put him to sleep, only something really powerful like a severe nightmare or something could wake him up outta that. " he snapped his fingers, and Thomas's eyes fluttered open.

He sat up, yawning and rubbing his head. " man, I just had the craziest dream. " He looked around the room at all of us. " or.....maybe I'm still having it. "

He looked around at everyone, not noticing me quite yet.

" Emile! Remy! " he got up and hugged them both. " Its been forever! How did you guys fix things? "

Virgil and Roman stepped aside to show me behind them. I waved sheepishly.  I could see his face pale and him squinting at me.

And looked down at the floor ashamed. I flinched heavily as he walked towards me, stopping only a foot away from me.

Everything was quie for a minute. " you helped me? "

" I'm.....I'm so sorry..........maybe I should just go.... "

I was about to leave, when I felt Thoams place his hands on my shoulders.

" thank you, Deceit. "

" B-but, why? It was my fault in the first place! "

" because you made it right. "

I smiled at him gratefully, and glanced around at all the smiling faces.

" You're one of us now. You may be a 'dark side,' but you're still one of us if you want to be. "

I smiled widely, " thank you. "

I got almost tackled by Patton. " welcome to family, " he said. I returned the hug happily.


Yeeee, OnE mOrE cHaPtEr To Go!!!
Then I will start on the second book!!!!
Thank you to all who have shown kindness to me through this book, and in general. Thanks for sticking through to the end, and I sincerely appreciate all of the kind words I have received from you all. I hope you like the chapter, I feel like it was a good length this time!
I love you all
Stay awesome!!🖤

- Kay

( 917 words!!! )

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