LA Haunts

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"This better not be a bust man." Aaron groaned as he climbed into the SUV. I got in the passenger side as my mind replayed what just happened.

I can show you some real haunts. I shivered playing her voice in my head. Her British accent was authentic and those icy blue eyes seemed to freeze me in their sights. Her hair was colored, a blonde with a hint of grey. She looked familiar as if I'd seen her before, but I couldn't place it at all.

"It's not. Did you get that read off of her? She's very....-"

"Creepy?" Nick chimed in as he started the car.

"I want to say spiritual." I chuckled and sat back before glancing back at Lux. Our windows were tinted so when I saw her walk out I couldn't help but stare. "Stay here a second." Nick caught on to what I was saying and glanced to her. She walked down the sidewalk without effort in those heels that I'd seen plenty of women topple in within seconds. Nick started driving, following her down the street. In LA traffic stalking someone by car was easily accomplishable.

She turned a corner and we did within a mere few moments, yet she was gone. Nick pulled off to the side and cleared his throat.

"So where the fuck did she go Zak?" I sat up and scanned the view, not an alley in sight though plenty of shop entrances, yet none within her reach in such a short time. There was a knock on Aaron's side window making all of us jump out of our skin. She was chuckling before gaining her composure as Nick rolled down his window.

"So care to tell me why you lot were following me?"

"We uhhh." I cleared my throat. "Wanted to see if you were considering checking out those places now and into tonight instead of waiting till tomorrow."

"Why didn't you just ask at Lux? Either way that's fine with me, however I don't have my car. It's in Malibu. I took an alternate form of transportation to Lux today."

"We've got plenty of room." I motioned to the back seat as Aaron in the back grumbled. "I'll get Jay and Billy to meet us there." She nodded before climbing into the truck. The essence she gave off was that of calmness. I was always good at reading people and energies, yet she was more than just calmness. She was mixed signals wrapped into a ball of energy. She handed me a slip of paper.

"First address is a church or should I say was a church. Blessed by Michael. The angel of course."

"Blessed?" I questioned as I typed the address into the GPS.

"Blessed because an angel can't haunt. He visits the remains of the church when people pull his energy there." Nick began driving once the GPS loaded and I turned more to look at her.

"How do you know all this?" She shrugged before sitting back as she got comfortable.

"I'm a bit of the paranormal investigator myself. I know a lot about spirits, witchcraft, and pretty much anything else you can think of in that department." I lifted a brow, taking in her egotistical statement.

"So why does your husband think he's the devil." That statement sent her into stitches of laughter before she brushed her eyes from possible tears.

"Lucifer isn't my husband. We merely share a last name. We aren't related in the blood sense. Sort of an adopted situation. As for Luci... if you got to know him then you'd surely understand. It takes some time. How about you Zak Bagans. What draws you and well your friends to the paranormal?" I sat back and looked ahead, crossing my arms.

"I uh saw a spirit. I was living in Michigan and every night at 3:00AM, I was awoken by the sound of a woman calling my name, and on the sixth night I felt someone on my back, briefly rendering me unable to move. When I got up, I saw a figure shoot across my bed, so I ran outside into the parking lot. I left the apartment at a later date and came back to find a maintenance man renovating that apartment room. The man explained that before that haunting began, there was a lady up in a penthouse across the road who had committed suicide in the bathtub around 3:00AM." I swallowed the fear that was trying to show across my face, yet I could see out of the corner of my eye Rana tilt her head.

"Mmmm she clung to your warm spirit Zak." I turned my head to look at her as she motioned to my shoulder. "May I?"

"Yeah." She touched my shoulder and I felt a rush of energy, something I only experienced from strong spirits around me. The moment she let go it stopped and I stared at her with shock. "What- what did you do?"

"I was reading your energy. You're strong and lucky to shake dark spirits. That second stop is a demon that is trapped in apartment. It's condemned so no one is to live in that building ever again. Hopefully it will be torn down and with it the spirit destroyed as planned." She sat back and glanced to where Nick was driving. Aaron was staring at me as I nodded to let him know I was okay. "This turn right here. We'll have to walk the rest of the way." Nick stopped the SUV on the dirt road. She left her purse, giving me comfort that she didn't have a gun and wasn't planning to somehow murder us. Just as we got out Jay and Billy pulled up and looked around.

I followed being Rana as she led the way, once again amazing me with her agility in such shoes. I'd seen plenty of my ex girlfriends fall walking in straight lines. Ahead of us was a stone structure, the only thing ruined about it was the roof.

"Satanist burned this building 60 years ago. Yet they think that is what the devil would want.... to burn his own father's home?" She glanced back at me before forcing one of the old wooden doors open. She bowed as if she was religious before sitting down in one of the pews. I wasn't ready for what was about to happened.

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