Healing Hands

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Rana POV

They got Zak to the car and I placed his head on my lap in the back seat. Aaron was driving and Nick was still trembling. I reached out to him and touched his shoulder, giving him some of my energy.

"Hey it's okay." I did the same to Aaron and surely they seemed to calm down. Yet here was the man laying down and helpless. I looked at the burn on his fingers from where he touched the box and gently took the pain, marks, and darkness away. It was draining me yet I returned his energy and laid my head back, feeling his soul replenish from my own. I held the darkness away from his soul as the energy flowed to him. He let out a groan and I sighed with relief. At least he was regaining enough to manage a noise.

"Where...am I." Zak mumbled as I lifted my head and glanced down to him.

"You're safe. You're lucky I don't fucking kick your ass for not listening." I sighed as he squeezed my hand, opening his eyes and closing them once again.

"Angels.... They are everywhere.... I can feel them on my skin..." I laughed slightly and brushed his face with my other hand, his body forcing him to take a deep breath.

"Shhhh rest." He leaned into my touch and I swallowed the emotions daring to show. I wasn't human and I had to remind myself of that hundreds and thousands of times in my years.

"Hey Zak... You think you can manage to stand and we'll help you to the room. Rana needs to cleanse you."

"Mmmhmm" He mumbled as I let him go and could feel my energy trying to heal and restore itself. I gingerly helped him up as the vehicle stopped outside of the hotel. It was a block away from Lux thankfully because I surely didn't have a lot of energy to go far.

Zak put his arms over either of his friend's shoulders on both sides of him. Jay and Billy were filled with questions as they were about to head to the site. Yet Nick just said he'd explain later. It took a few minutes for them to get to the elevator and down the hall to one of the suites. They laid Zak down and motioned to him.

"He's all yours."

"Do you have sage? Palo Santo?" Aaron nodded and motioned to the top drawer of Zak's nightstand.

"He cleanses every night. I hate the smell so I'll close the door." I nodded and sat down on the bed beside the weak man. I used my power to just light the sage and ran it over his body, humming on of the many chants I knew. It was easy to cleanse him of course. I noticed a rosary around his neck and sat the sage on the coaster before taking the cross in my hands. It took another chunk of power from me to charge it, yet for a moment in shined with a bright white glow.

"What are you father now?" I nearly jumped hearing Lucifer from the balcony. I put my finger to my mouth to hush him as he took in his wings.

"Don't worry they're passed out. Dead asleep no pun intended." I looked down to Zak and sighed.

"She had him completely. I gave him all the energy I could. He'll be fine."

"You look at him like I look at Chloe. Curious... Protective.... And longingly interested in wanting to know every detail of him." He leaned against the doorway. "Could be another of father's tricks. After all he made Chloe for me... Whose to say he didn't make this gentleman for you."

"Yet Chloe doesn't want to be with you and refuses to believe you're the devil Luci. I don't want that.... I want someone who knows who I am...." I stood and placed a kiss on his forehead, protection from a night of nightmares. "Let's go... I'm exhausted." I mumbled and wandered to the balcony before letting my wings out. We flew over to Lux and landed at the penthouse. I sat down on the sofa as Lucifer poured us both drinks. I downed mine and snatched his as he grumbled and refilled the empty glass.

"Is Zakina-"

"She's gone." I removed the dagger from my waist band and sat it on the table before laying down with my head in Lucifer's lap. I sat my drink on the table as he ran his fingers through my hair and sipped on his drink.

"You weren't wrong. This was interesting."

"Yeah... I hope they drop this paranormal stuff. I can't protect them constantly Luci. I'm drained."

"Maybe that's your purpose. Mine is chasing after the detective and yours is chasing after ghost chasers." We both managed to laugh for a moment. Lucifer sat down his drink and scooped me up. My eyes were heavy and I didn't protest to him carrying me to the giant bed. "Let's get you to sleep. I'll call Maze to take care of Brutus awhile longer. You can always get Linda to watch him. She could use a emotional support animal for all the stuff I lay on her in therapy sessions."

"Not a bad idea." I yawned and coiled into the silk sheets only after removing my jeans and heels. Lucifer was on the other side of the bed, sighing before he laid down. We had a weird relationship to say the least yet it was required. Ever since he'd come to earth life didn't suck so much here. Having someone who understood the daily issues of the divine on earth was huge.


"Yeah Luci?" I turned over, he was staring up at the ceiling.

"I don't think I ever want to go home... Or at least not until the detective has lived out her human life. I feel like I can't leave her. Obviously Maze isn't thrilled with that idea." I placed a hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"I totally understand.... Trust me." I was thinking the same thing about the ghost hunters. I couldn't leave them to fend for themselves.

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