Cologne and Whiskey

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She stirred in the sun kissed morning hours, the shadows along her body from the curtains. Her slender arms had clung to me in her sleep and I didn't dare let my grasp on her faulter. Lucifer was in one of the guest rooms down the hall after Rana had passed out again. Gracie was at the bottom of the bed near our feet, sprawled out and ears relaxed.

"Did you sleep?" She mumbled into my chest, not lifting her head.

"No. I was too worried about you." My voice was raspy as I spoke before kissing the top of her head. "How are you feeling demon killer?" She lifted her head and looked to me. Her skin and features were back to normal, blue eyes resembling ice once more. It was hard to believe she was part demon. The angel part was easy considering how she looked.

"I'm okay. It's you I'm concerned about now." She pressed a kiss to my lips before pulling away. She looked so human. Innocent and small compared to me. Rana leaned in and pressed a kiss to my lips once more and it was as if I slept. My body tingled with electricity only and well spirits could seem to conjure.

"What did you do?" I mumbled as she coiled against my chest once more.

"Gave you some energy. You looked exhausted Zak. I can understand why considering you had that creature in your house." She sat up and looked down at my shirt that I had changed her into after Lucifer left the room. Rana still looked well rested, considering I was human I probably didn't need much from her energy wise. "Zak how do you live here?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can hear them all. Their stories and imprints on these items. It's so sad. I'm sure most are in heaven, but still." She stroked my cheek and close her eyes. I could hear it all as if I was her now. The whispers, it felt like an episode of ghost whisper listening to tons of spirits. Rana let go and opened her eyes. "If you like it, I don't judge darling. I just worry." I sat up and her fingers ran down my chest, leaving electricity in their path. Instinctively I pulled her close to me and sighed.

"It's what I do for a living Rana. I have to prove to the world that there is more to life than just whatever is physically in front of our eyes." Her blue hues locked on my own before she nodded.

"I understand. Maybe Lucifer is right."

"About?" She sat back and sighed, gnawing on her plump lips.

"He said maybe I should focus more on you and your crew. Check out sites before you guys go to make sure it's, you know... Worth it and not going to kill you lot. In return Lux would be less a part of my life." She reached out and ran her fingers down Gracie's back. The dog stretched out and crawled up the bed to settle beside her for easier belly rubs and signs of affection. "I could bring Brutus to visit here and there. Gracie would love him." She flashes a weak smile, trying to sell herself on the idea.

"I wouldn't ask you to leave your life in LA Rana. Not completely. It's part of you. Plus I know what Lucifer said about you not aging. Would we explain it to the guys?"

"I think with time that will explain itself Zak. If you or any of them are in trouble. I will not hesitate to show a spirit and them my true side." She stopped petting Gracie who whined in protest before hopping off the bed.

"Then it's settled. Rana Morningstar welcome to the Ghost Adventure team." I smirked and took her hand, kissing the back. She couldn't help but laugh and pulled away before climbing out of bed. "Hell maybe Lucifer can get us into some places we've been rejected to go with his whole desire thing." My mind was already running with ideas.

"Of course. Lovely isn't it? Having the devil on your side. Now we have things to attend to don't we?"

"Yeah I take you to the museum and we tell the guys that you've joined the team." I moved my body so my feet were finally touching the floor.

"No I mean-" She was cut off by Lucifer singing downstairs and my piano being played in the front hall. "That.... My lovely brother." Rana chuckled before grabbing her jeans. She slipped them on as she faced away from me. I nearly froze when she removed my shirt and long nail marks ran up her back.

"Rana?" I mumbled as she clipped on her bra and turned to me. "Your-your back is covered in-"

"It's fine." She stopped and ran her hand along her back. "It doesn't hurt. It's from last night, they're nearly healed. I'm just lucky they're not bleeding."

It was then that I realized her helping us put her in even more danger than I initially realized. She'd be the test dump strolling in before the three stooges. How far could these demons go in taking over her body being she was divinity.

Knowing I myself was the only one on this planet that could kill her scared the death out of me. I slipped on sweats and followed her downstairs once she had her shirt on. Lucifer was indeed sitting at the piano in a fresh suit attire.

"Finally!" He grinned and stopped playing. "So is it settled then?"

"Is what?" Rana chimed in as she wandered to the kitchen towards the smell of freshly brewed coffee that apparently Lucifer had made.

"Are you and your human companion on ghost hunting terms?" Lucifer stood and motioned to me to go our front. "I need a chat with him. We'll be right back sister." I followed him and sighed, rubbing my face. It wasn't till the door was closed that his eyes shined red. "Listen here. If anything happens to my sister under your watch. So help you father. Otherwise there will be a cell in hell for you. She's one of few I will protect to death."

"Lucifer. I promise you I won't let anything happen to her." I leaned against the house looking out at the early morning sunrise. It was still cool out as a breeze ran by us. "You know I'd protect her with my life." He nodded and his eyes shifted back to normal as the door opened.

"Coffee?" She grinned sheepishly to us both. There was only one thing I couldn't protect her from and that was me.

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