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Lucifer POV

I know a lot of things that I wish I never did. Like the smell of flesh as it rotts away on living corpses. The way someone's breath shakes as they force themselves to strive for another. The way my baby sister's eyes looked as she hung from low basement rafters.

Let me rewind.

The plane landed and the urgency felt more like a rescue mission than that of a investigation. Only because I knew the clues and they all pointed to her being there. Two SUVs awaited us right off the jet, Maze, Zak, Aaron, and myself in one. The other has Billy and Jay with the luggage and supplies. The drive out to the country side was long, two hours felt like four.

I sighed and dug into the file, examining what I had dozens of times. The pieces didn't add up. The property was abandoned so whom was there to hear the ghostly whisper of Rana through the halls.

"Lucifer, we're here." Zak parked the car. My blood felt cold in my veins as I stepped out. Maze motioned a window, and I saw her. A white gown and her fingers on the glass. She was crying, just that made ny jaw tense.

"No." I whispered and walked briskly to the door. The smell hit my nose and yet there she stood in the darkness. The gown was that made for an angel. I felt Maze and Zak behind me. Her wings were both white. Rana reached out and touched my face.

"Don't." She whispered, yet I walked through her. "Luci." A growl emitted from my throat without my control. "Let me die." She whispered and I could feel her pain. It leaked into the air like thick humidity.

"Not today. Not even if it means Uriel loses his wings!" I found the stairs and the smell grew worse. Here is were my original statement begins.

I was frozen when I saw her. Her wings cut from her body and hanging behind her. A rope was around her neck as her blue eyes partially open. Hands nailed the wall and blood pooling on the ground. Her silk blouse, once white now soaked red. I fell to my knees, trying to contain my fury. Zak was already beside her with Maze trying to remove her from the wall. Maze cut the rope. Aaron was puking outside already.

"Uriel." She stated before she flowed back into her nearly lifeless body. A groan, that of a dying person escaped her. Where her wings once were was rotting flesh on her back. Maze was already carving off the dead skin. Zak was holding her on her side.

It was only now that I noticed his tears. He too don't want to lose her. I was pulled from my thoughts when Maze yelled.

"Feathers! I need some feathers Lucifer!" She growled and motioned to my sister's wings. I rushed to pull some off and Maze took them as they fell, laying them over the wounds. They acted as healing patches, glowing with shades of gold.

"Come on Rana. Wake up." Zak whispered before pressing a kiss to her temple. She groaned in response.

"We need to get out of here. Uriel knew we'd come. I bet he wrote that blood letter!" I growled and knew my own voice was shifting into something much more darker. I would murder my brother for what he did to our own sister. Zak was carrying her, blood soaking his arms. I rushed to lay at least something down on the back seat of the vehicle in hopes to save the rental from having to be a random case of fake arson. Maze tossed the demolished wings in the trunk, careful not to leave even a feather behind.

Maze got in the driver seat, I in the passenger and Zak in the back with her. Aaron hopped in the other car, obviously to catch the others up to speed from what he saw in between throwing up his airline meal.

I could still feel my blood boiling. My sister's shakey breath filling my ears as I stared back at her. Telling Amenadiel would be difficult to say the least. He had rage that he hid well, but when it came to Rana's well being? O he was worst than the devil himself at time.

Maze knew to take us to our family home in the country side. Rana had showed me London and kept a property here. Not a soul for miles. Zak and I carried her inside, laying here face down on the kitchen table so Maze could examine her wounds.

"More feathers before we burn the wings." She sighed and went outside. Moments later she came back with a bundle of feathers, strategically laying them on Rana's back. I sighed and dug in my pocket for a fag and a matches. Zak watched and followed as I made my way outside. Her wings were destroyed, leaking blood onto the ground. I put the smoke to my lips and lit it with a match before I tossed it to the wings. Rainbows of flames consumed them as we watched.

"I'll fucking kill himself." Zak stated through clenched teeth. "It isn't against the worldly rules for a human to murder a angel. Shouldn't even be against the rules to murder someone who tortures his own sister."

"O trust me. This is a family matter and my brother will be in hell if not wiped from all of existence. You're job..." I glanced to him. "Is far more important." I felt my jaw tense either from anger or some other raging emotion. "You keep my sister safe. If she wants a bloody head on a platter at 2am in the morning. You get it. If she wants maple flavoured bacon with cherries. She better well have it. If killing Uriel takes me from this earth. You need to be there for her. My sister's rage and well.... Any emotion. Could definitely put a dent in the human population." Zak nodded as he looked at me and then to the burning wings.

"I promise."

Lucifer's Angel (GA with Lucifer crossover)Where stories live. Discover now