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After her melt down with Lucifer the two brothers coaxed her into coming to stay with me for a few months. Aaron came over a couple times a week to learn from Rana and I too learned some things.

My mind couldn't help but go back to picturing the demonic being she released in Los Angeles. It was a part of her that scared me yet amazed me.

"So you two ready for Ireland?" Aaron chimed in, making Rana raise her head from the sofa pillow.

"Is that coming up?"

"Well yeah!" Aaron laughed slightly. "You've been in Vegas for three months. Time flies by in the city. We leave in like 2 days?"

"Yup, two days." I sighed and clicked through the TV, trying to pull my mind from my dark thoughts. It wasn't working so I sat the remote down and gave into the conversation.

"Well Amenadiel will be there to do his best. Even he's a bit scared of" She grabbed her glass of wine before coiling closer to me. Rana did that when she was nervous or worried. Brutus grumbled from all the commotion before Gracie stole his toy and they both ran off to cause mayhem.

"Can we provoke it?" Rana nodded to Aaron's question.

"I wouldn't, but if you do." She sighed and got up, going to one of the drawers on one of the collector cabinets. She got a rosary out and grabbed the sage that was right by the front door. Then she grabbed Palo Santo before sitting down.

Rana sat the rosary on the table and lit the sage with just pure energy. She cleansed it before burning the Palo Santo to give it good energy. I thought she was done yet she raised it and pressed the cross between her palms. Light spilled from her hands and I could see Aaron's eyes go wide.

She got pale slightly and opened her palms, the cross was glowing brightly and slowly fading.

"in nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti... Amen." She spoke in Latin before handing it to Aaron. He slipped it around his neck before examining it. She on the other hand looked drained just as she did when she made mine. Yet I hadn't had a bad dream since she'd made it for me.

"It's amazing. It feels so warm and light."

"Blessed by an angel. Luci hates when I do it. Yet he has the power to do just the same. He doesn't want to see good to father."

"It's wild that God is actually your father." She laughed slightly.

"All of us angels were a mere accident from father and mother creating the universe. It's was like the big theory. So technically every religion is a bit wrong and a bit right. My mother is just pure energy. She has no human form."

"Can she come to earth?"

"Eh my mother is in hell." Rana took a tip of her wine. "She hates earth. It was like father's project in the garage. She didn't feel loved and so she wanted to destroy earth. Off to hell she went to never destroy mankind. Lucifer can't stand her. Well none of us can because she's always got a motive."

"This is still wild." Aaron chuckled as Rana shrugged. Nothing seemed to phase her much anymore other than sighs of affection and acceptance. I pressed a kiss to her forehead before taking her empty glass. I went to go fill her glass in the kitchen, leaving them to talk. Gracie was on my heels as always, following along as always. "So Zak is the only one that can kill you on this entire planet?"

"Yeah. It's scary to trust someone like that, but I suppose that is how you humans constantly feel. I find it extremely interesting."

"So if I cut you. What happens?"

"Zak bring me a knife!" I cursed under my breath and grabbed the steak knife after filling the wine glass. Aaron looked like he was about to shit himself for two reasons. One he was going to stab someone against his will and two that person was my girlfriend. I handed him the knife as Rana offered her wrist. "Go ahead. Really saw into it."

"Are-Are you sure? I think I'm going to puke."

"Just go ahead." She chuckled as he grabbed a good grip to cut along her arm. It opened, yet it was as if she just had layers and layers of skin. Not even a drop of blood. Aaron took a deep breath and released it before sitting down the knife. She handed it to me and only offered a fingertip. "Now you."


"I'll be fine." She laughed before I poked her finger. A drop of blood pooled as I moved the knife away. A interesting smile crossed her lips. "Blood amazes me. Well just when it comes from my body." She put the blood to her lips and held it there till the wound clotted.

"Can Lucifer kill you?" She nodded and sat back, taking the wine from the table where I placed it.

"Yes. Divinity can kill Divinity. Though we just go right back up to heaven I suppose. My one brother is extremely displeased that Lucifer, Amenadiel, and I are here on earth. He thinks it is wrong. Uriel is his name."

"How many angels are there? Why do they care about what you three do?"

"Dozens. Some angels feel that God's will is different than others. Father doesn't speak to us per say." She laughed weakly. "If Uriel were ever to come to earth. He'd find a way to kill me."

Little did I know how true this was at that very moment. Surely Rana wouldn't let Uriel anywhere near her. Then again Uriel didn't even need to be near her to succeed in some form or fashion.

Lucifer's Angel (GA with Lucifer crossover)Where stories live. Discover now