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They reached Tazuna's house and they immediately settled Kakashi in a nearby bed. He was unconscious for a while, before he woke up and the kids were allowed to see him. Sakura wondered who the boy who killed Zabuza was. Kakashi explained that the Mist Village has a special squad used for getting rid of ninja bodies, because the ninja's body can reveal secrets of the village if it were examined. Kakashi went silent for a moment.

"What's wrong, sensei?" Naruto asked and leaned closer. Kakashi raised his head. "Oh, about what I was talking about before...". He trailed off, looking uneasy. "Pursuing ninja are supposed to eliminate the corpse on the spot". Sakura, not getting what he was aiming at tilted her head. "So?" Confusing seeping into her voice. Akashi's eyes narrow and he looks at Kakashi. "Are you aiming at what I think you're aiming?" He asks.

"He only needed to bring the head back". Kakashi let out a sigh, before he grabbed his chin in thought. "Also, the weapon that the boy used to kill Zabuza is questionable". Akashi shifted on his feet. "You mean the senbon needles? Aren't they used for medical purposes?" He read about them in books when he was looking at healing techniques. At that moment, Sasuke spoke up. "Those long needles... could it be they...?" His eyes widened. "Yeah, it's just what you're thinking". Kakashi confirmed.

"What are you guys talking about?" Tazuna walked up to them. "Zabuza is alive". Kakashi deadpanned. His words made Sakura, Naruto and Tazuna shout in surprise. "What?!" Naruto flailed around. "What does that mean?!" Sakura turned to Kakashi. "But you confirmed that he died, Kakashi-sensei". Akashi shook his head. "Those needles can be used for specific things... they can also put a person in a near-death state". Kakashi nodded. "Correct". He explained that even though Zabuza was clearly heavier than the boy, he still picked him up and also the fact he used a weapon with a low fatality rate.

"From those two points, the goal of that boy was not to kill Zabuza, but to help him". He declared. "Maybe you're thinking too much". Tazuna tried to calm the situation. Kakashi said that once a ninja feels like something is wrong, he needs to prepare for the possibility of it being true. Akashi turned to Naruto and saw that he was delighted at finding out Zabuza was alive.

"I'm going to make all of you go through some training". Kakashi said. "Wait, even if we train, I don't think it will be that helpful". Sakura explained. Kakashi said that the four of them grew a lot, before he turned to Naruto. "Especially you, Naruto". At his words, Naruto squinted his eyes in disbelief. "You've grown the most". Kakashi smiled at him. Hearing the praise, a small smile climbed on Naruto's face.

"You know your stuff, Kakashi-sensei, now things are about to turn more interesting". Naruto jumped up and pointed at Kakashi. Akashi stood up and slapped the back of his head. "How many times have I told you?! Don't point at people!" He raised his fist in the air, a tick mark on his forehead. Naruto started whining, but Akashi simply glared at him. Kakashi sweat-dropped, seeing the way Akashi was acting. It's great to see he isn't that hung up about what happened, but he's acting like Kushina more and more... it's scary.

Suddenly, a small boy appeared behind them. Naruto turned around and, again, pointed at him. "Who are you?" He yelled. Akashi clicked his tongue and clenched his fist. Naruto immediately settled down. "Inari! Where were you?" Tazuna called out as the boy ran into his embrace. "I'm home, grandpa". The boy said while hugging him. "Inari, say hello to them. These are the ninja who escorted your grandpa". A woman scolded the boy, but Tazuna patted his head. "It's okay. Right, Inari?"

The boy glared at everyone in the room. "Mom they're going to die. There's no way a person can win against a man like Gatoh". The boy turned to his mother. "What did you say, you brat?!" Naruto shouted at the kid. "Naruto!" Akashi yelled at him, even though the kid was also getting on his nerves. He looked at the boy and narrowed his eyes. The boy, seeing the look in his eyes looked away. Naruto then proceeded to say he was a super hero who will once become a great ninja called the Hokage.

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