Sound of The Falling Stars

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He could feel it.

The chakra getting sucked out of him.

It felt like he was being ripped apart.

Damn it...

He really screwed things up this time.

Damn it...

Was this it?

The end?

Was this how he was going to go?

By saving people who never bothered to save him?

Was this really it?

He could feel Kurama struggling within him.

Struggling to give his own chakra to the tree...

... trying to save Akashi.

It was useless, no matter how much chakra Kurama pumped out, the tree just kept on taking and taking...

... leaving nothing behind.

Hold on! Kurama would yell inside his mind. I'll get you out of here! He'd say.

His words were only whispers to Akashi...

... he could barely hear them over the sounds of his soul ripping apart.

The roots tightened around his waist and the air was knocked out of him.

Breathe! How could he? Breathe! There was no room for air. Breathe! He couldn't.

His ribs bent under the pressure. Just a little more and the first crack would be heard.

Just a little more and he would be gone.

"Akashi!" A distant yell made him open his eyes. "Akashi, where are you?!" He blinked his eyes and watched as the world around him grew blurry. Dark spots began clouding his vision and he couldn't... breathe... in... "Answer me!"

Vibrant purple filled Akashi's sight, before everything went black.


"Wake up!" Akashi's eyes snapped open and he was met with the crimson ones of Tobirama. The man barely managed to move out of the way as Akashi hastily sat up. "Hey!" Tobirama exclaimed, but grew silent at the sight of the expression Akashi had.

He was looking over Tobirama's shoulder and at the ones behind him.

Naruto and Sasuke.

"How long was I out?" Akashi slowly stood up, biting back a wince as his ribs shifted. From the feel of it, he hadn't broken them.

"A few minutes at most." Tobirama answered, also standing up.

Akashi watched Naruto's form. He had barely any chakra left and yet, he wanted to fight.

How typical.

Straightening up, he prepared himself to join those two, but a voice stopped him.

"Hold on," Huh... Who would have thought the man would come and join the fight, "Karin, do your job." Orochimaru's sleazy voice commanded, to which Karin responded with a groan.

The redhead walked up to Akashi and thrust her arm in front of his face, before she looked away, not meeting his eyes. Taking that as a sign to do as he wished, Akashi slipped her sleeve up and bit in, almost instantly feeling his chakra start to replenish. The process didn't last long, not even a minute and he pulled back.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now