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He knew what needed to be done.

The water rippled as Akashi stepped away from Hagoromo, eyes staring at the reflection beneath his feet.

He knew what needed to be done.

His reflection grew bigger as he lowered himself down, palms resting atop the water's shallow surface.

He knew what needed to be done.

So, he closed his eyes and the chains ripped out of his back, diving straight into the water as if the shallowness of it was only a facade. They extended past their normal reach and they just kept on going and going, "The fate of the world rests on your shoulders... It is your decision to make... Be it salvation or destruction."

The words resounded around him, echoing through the sewers.

"I know," the chains took hold of something, "I've already made up my mind."

And down he went, the surface breaking as his body slipped through, pulled by the silver chains deep into the dark depths.


He burst through the water's surface and opened his eyes.

The place he found himself at was similar to the one he was a few moments ago.

There, not even ten feet away from him, stood he.

"Naruto." Akashi said, not moving an inch.

Hearing his voice, the blond turned around. Akashi really shouldn't be surprised, but he was. Naruto's eyes had lost their light as he stared at the redhead in front of him.

"I thought you had died." The words left his lips and Akashi shook his head in reply.

"I'm still here... somehow," his footsteps were noiseless in the water as he approached his little brother, "And so are you." His heart throbbed inside his chest at the sound of Naruto's breathing.

Before... While they were on Gaara's sand, his breathing was so weak... His heartbeat was so weak...

He felt how his chakra threatened to flicker out of existence.

"I heard you speak... I heard what you said..." Naruto said in a voice so soft, it was almost a whisper, "I heard you... wished to give your life for my own?" The blond averted his eyes, almost as if he was afraid to look into Akashi's own, "You said... that if only one of us was to survive... it should be me?" Unconsciously, Akashi's fists tightened at his sides.

"I did..." He saw as Naruto's jaw clenched and those blue eyes of his finally looked into his own.

"Why?!" Naruto exclaimed, his shoulders tense in anger, "You shouldn't say something like that!" He violently shook his head, teeth peeking out as he harshly grit them together.

"Why not?!" Akashi bit out, not able to hold back his voice, "Why shouldn't I say it?!" They stood at a small distance, but it was enough... They were close enough to not be able to hide anything from one another.

"Because you're my nii-chan!" Naruto yelled at him, eyes widened.

"And you're my otouto!" The blond flinched as Akashi's voice cracked, "Isn't it my responsibility?! I'm your older brother, I should protect you, right?!" He gripped the area over his heart, feeling the throbbing worsen.

"You said you failed me... nii-chan, you've never failed me..." Naruto's whispered in a quiet voice, "Not once did I think you failed me... Not once did I wish you ill... Not once did I want you out of my life."

"You should've... You should've given up on me long ago, why didn't you?" His eyes clenched shut as he asked his question, "Why didn't you?!" Akashi's voice cracked even further, "Why didn't you give up on me?!"

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now