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As they stared at the Raikage, Akashi noticed Sasuke shift from besides him. The boy dashed behind the Raikage and slashed at his back with his lightning-charged blade. The hit did nothing and the blade was sent flying away. Sasuke landed back next to Akashi and immediately did hand-signs for his Chidori. "Sasuke, wait!" The boy did no such thing and instead decided to go for a front blow. "Damn it!" The redhead whipped his chains out and grabbed a kunai out of his pouch.

He threw it towards the Raikage and it whizzed past Sasuke. Before Sasuke's Chidori could hit the older man, Akashi teleported between them and used his chains to block the Raikage's elbow hit. Sasuke, seeing the redhead in front of him, whipped his arm back, as to not hit him. The Raikage forced his arm down, but the chains didn't give in.

"You're fast, little boy!" He exclaimed and whipped his other arm at him. Using the brief moment of time in which the Raikage shifted the strength from his right arm to his left, Akashi side-stepped the hit and whipped his sword to the man's back. Unsurprisingly, the sword broke in half and Akashi had to duck so it wouldn't hit him. Hearing the familiar sound if the Chidori, Akashi threw a kunai in the air and teleported to it. He watched as Sasuke ducked under a hit and thrust his hand into the Raikage's chest.

It also did next to nothing and the Raikage grabbed Sasuke by his clothes, raising him in the air. "Liger Bomb!" He yelled out and slammed Sasuke into the ground. A giant crater formed under them from the force of the hit. But, a giant purple skeleton-like armour had softened Sasuke's fall. The Raikage went for another hit, but the skeleton-thing had moved Sasuke out of the way. In the meantime, Akashi had grabbed the kunai in the air and threw it down to the Raikage.

He raised his hand in the air and his chain started changing its form. This had to work! He gripped the hilt of the newly formed blade and teleported right above the Raikage. He whipped his arm down and it connected with the man's shoulder. The Raikage's eyes blew wide as his lightning chakra was cut through and something cut into his shoulder. He raised his other arm and grabbed the redhead by his arm, throwing him towards the Uchiha ahead.

Akashi grit his teeth as he sailed through the air, but before he could slam into anything, he was grabbed. He glanced behind himself and saw that the skeleton-thing had its skeleton hand wrapped around his waist. He was then lowered down next to Sasuke. "What the hell is this thing?" Akashi asked as he watched the unusually different chakra of the boy next to him. He received no answer and watched as drops of blood slid down Sasuke's cheek.

A burst of black flame was sent towards the Raikage, but he moved out of the way and the samurai behind him was hit with it. Akashi whipped to the side as the Raikage neared them and raised his blade to block the oncoming hit. He held the blade in his left hand and used the right one to push forward at the hilt. The Raikage was strong! Very strong! Akashi's feet skidded towards Sasuke's skeleton-thing from the force of the hit. He met eyes with the older man and felt his own widen.

Another fast hit came from the side and Akashi couldn't block it. It slammed into his ribs, forcing the breath of of him, and he whipped to the side, away from Sasuke. The man forced his fist towards Sasuke, ignoring the black flames which were around the boy, and punched him. Sasuke flew away and into the ground. The Raikage jumped to the air and forced his leg down. Then, another black flame formed over Sasuke as a means of protection. The man's eyes widened as he was about to step into the flames, but before that could happen, a flurry of sand blocked his hit.

The Raikage jumped back to his two ninjas.

"Gaara...". Akashi mumbled, meeting eyes with the boy. Damn it... Things just keep getting worse and worse! The samurai's armour was taken off by Kankuro and Temari who appeared alongside Gaara.

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