Zabuza's return

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It was a few hours after Akashi helped Sasuke with his Chakra control, and the sun was already setting. Kakashi sent Sakura to guard Tazuna at the bridge a while ago and he himself went back to Tazuna's house to rest, leaving Akashi with Naruto and Sasuke. He was currently sitting atop a tree branch, looking down at the boys who were competing against one another. Naruto was sitting on the ground, panting. "Damn it!". He exclaimed. "What's with this thing?!". He yelled as he thrashed around. Sasuke was also panting, but he was completely silent. 

Both of them looked up at the trees before them and saw Akashi waving at them. "You can do it!" He yelled as he cupped his hands around his mouth. Sasuke just looked at him, without an expression and Naruto sent him a grin, before he turned to glare at Sasuke. Sasuke met his gaze head-on and glared back. The two of them stood up at the same time and ran full speed up the trees. 

Naruto slashed the tree and fell down, thankfully, landing on his feet, but Sasuke continued running up. He ran up and almost reached the branch Akashi was on, but was forced to slash the tree and reached the ground by jumping from tree to tree. "Oh, Sasuke! That's an improvement, seems like my words did help!" Akashi yelled down, with a grin on his face. Hearing this, Naruto looked up at his brother and pointed an accusing finger at him. "You helped him?!" He shouted, eyes wide open. 

Akashi looked at him weirdly. "You're blaming me?! Why didn't you ask for my help if you needed it?!" He shouted back, a tick mark on his forehead. Naruto started spluttering and continued pointing at him. "I can't reach you! You're always up there!" He whined. Akashi gritted his teeth. "Na-ru-to! Stop pointing at people! Or do you want me to come down there?!" He stood up from his branch and cracked his fingers. Naruto's eyes widened in fear and he took a step back, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"No need for that, bro!" He flailed his arms in from of himself, but it was too late. "Incoming!" Akashi yelled as he jumped from the branch and descended onto Naruto. Naruto let out a scream as Akashi neared him. "I'm sorry!" He yelled and covered his head with his arms, crouching down. Sasuke was looking at the brothers as if they were idiots. After not being hit for 10 seconds, Naruto uncovered his head and looked in front of himself. Akashi was standing there, hands on his hips and a grin on his face.

"I'm joking!" He exclaimed and lent Naruto a hand, pulling him to his feet. Naruto crossed his arms and turned to the side, pouting. "I knew that". He whispered. A fond smile appeared on Akashi's face and he reached his hand towards Naruto and... flicked him on the forehead. Naruto flinched back and covered his forehead. "Ow! Stop doing that!" He rubbed his forehead in pain. Akashi started laughing obnoxiously, only high-pitched noises escaping his lips.

"You're so cute when you're mad at me". He patted Naruto on the head and tilted his head. "Furthermore, when you need help, tell me, no matter how far I am, I will always come when you call, okay?" He asked as he threw an arm over Naruto's shoulders. "You're my baby brother". He added and Naruto looked at him with stars in his eyes. Sasuke was being quiet as he observed the twins from the side. He thought of Naruto as very annoying, almost Sakura-level annoying.

On the other hand, Akashi, was an enigma. One moment he was cheerful and grinning like an idiot, and the other he was angry and glaring as if he would burn the whole world down. He can't quite understand how a person can change moods like that. But as he looked at him now... he wondered which one was the real Akashi, maybe neither is real. Maybe he is yet to show his true self to the world. He wondered how that will turn out. 

His thoughts were broken when Akashi spoke up. "Now, continue practicing and you will get better at this, just remember, clear your mind of your thoughts and focus on the task you are doing". He patted Naruto's shoulder, before stepping away and climbing the tree. Sasuke remember those words from a few hours ago, those were the same words Akashi told him. Clear your mind and just focus on what you are currently doing, don't pay any mind to anything else. The only thing that matters is the present, just focus on that for now. 

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