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Midnight had passed when Naruto fell asleep, dried tear stains on his tanned cheeks. He was snuggled into the pillow, arms spread across the bed, fingers tightly holding onto Akashi's clothes.

What was he even doing? Hurting himself even further like this...

He gently pried Naruto's fingers from his clothes and moved to the side, feet slowly touching the wooden floorboards. He needed to go... He needed to leave... He stood up, the bed creaking as his weight lifted off.

"Akashi...". A sleepy mumble escaped Naruto's lips and the said boy turned around, faced with a still-sleeping Naruto. "Sorry...". Another mumbled left him as his fingers tightened around the empty space besides him.

The redhead's heart throbbed inside his chest at those words. He still insisted that he was sorry, eh? Even while asleep, he still spoke nonsense... Complete and utter nonsense... The air shifted and Akashi disappeared from his spot, leaving the boy alone.

And as baby-blue eyes opened and found nobody on the bed, they clenched back shut.


Akashi stepped onto the green grass under him. Ah... That place really brought him comfort when he needed it most. The giant oak tree stood tall before him, the cold rays of the moon piercing through the thick leaves. That place held so many memories...

The first kiss...

The love confession...

The promises...

Everything was there...

Even... He walked around the wide tree, fingers trailing along the rough bark, feeling every indent it had, until he stopped. There, on the back of the tree, were two initials...


Akashi fondly caressed the letters. He remembered that day...


"Come on! Hurry up!" A grinning Shinya pulled at his hand, making him stumble forward.

"I am!" He hissed back, but Shinya just laughed in reply, not releasing the grip he had on his hand. The two of them ran through the streets of Konoha, before Akashi found himself at a familiar location. The giant oak tree stood in front of them. "Why are we here?" He asked, but Shinya flashed him a secretive smile in reply. "Shinya!" He whined, but the boy didn't say anything else.

"Close your eyes". The moss-eyed boy urged him, glancing at the tree. "Come on!" Akashi groaned, but did as he was asked.

"Listen, if you make me touch something disgusting or anything like that, I'll seriously punch you in the face". He threatened the other boy, but was just tugged forward, a snicker resounding in front of him.

"Yeah, yeah!" He was pulled a couple of more feet, before he was ultimately stopped. His hand was raised and fingers wrapped around his wrist. "Straighten your fingers". The redhead tilted his head to the side at the weird request.

"Shinya, I swear...". He shook his head and did as he was asked. His fingers straightened, and were met with the rough bark of the tree in front of him. His hand was lead to the side, where he noticed indents bigger than the other ones. "What...?" He wondered out loud, even more confused as to what was happening.

"Open your eyes". Shinya whispered next to his ear. Violet eyes blinked open and widened when they were met with the sight in front of him. The initials US+UA were carved into the tree.

"This...". He felt breathless all of a sudden. This was just like Shinya... He turned to the side and was faced with a bright grin, white teeth flashing at him. "You...". He really didn't know what to say to this...

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now