Invisible Bridge

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"One has awakened the Six Path's Senjutsu..." Madara stared at Naruto, before his gaze shifted to Sasuke, "... and the other awakened the Rinnegan, huh?"

The Rinnegan?

Sasuke awakened the Rinnegan?

That old man definitely had something to do with all that!

"However... I possess both of those powers! This is the final battle!" He raised his hands into a hand-sign, "My powers versus yours... Let's settle who is superior, once and for all!"

Naruto, don't forget I have the chains. There is a slight possibility of me being able to permanently incapacitate him, but you need to get close... Real close for it to work, do you understand? Akashi spoke up, thinking of a way for it to work.

I do. I'll try and give you a clear way. The blond answered, staring at Madara.

Akashi felt a spike of chakra come from Madara and not even a moment later, purple lightning left the man's fingers and raced towards them. Naruto grabbed one of his rods and threw it at the lightning, stopping it in place. For a moment, Akashi sensed Sasuke's chakra spike and he noticed the boy had gone a little further away from them.

"You should pay attention!" Naruto yelled at the distracted Madara and jumped at him, rod at hand, ready to slam it onto Madara. Another spike came from Madara and the familiar feeling of someone being in between them and Madara came back.

Naruto's rod slammed into a strong, invisible mass.

Seeing that Madara was about to use a jutsu, Akashi summoned his chains and blocked the thin laser which burst at them, but it still managed to cut Naruto's black rod in half. The invisible mass moved and a blade came right at it. Somehow, it passed through and embedded into the ground away from them.

Sasuke had thrown the blade, but it seemed like the mass wasn't physical.

Not even a moment later, Akashi barely had time to summon the chains, something slammed into them and knocked them away. Naruto landed on his feet, skidding back a few feet, "Thanks, Akashi!"

You don't have to say it out loud, you know?

You know, eh? You picked up some of mom's habits, didn't you?

Shut up and focus on the fight.

"Those chains are a bother," Madara commented, a light scowl on his face as he looked at them, "A bother indeed."

"Sasuke, it's headed your way!" Naruto called out as the invisible mass moved from in front of them and headed towards Sasuke, "Something I can't see is ambling around you."

"Oh yeah? I can see it clearly!" Sasuke replied, staring into one spot.

The Rinnegan had its perks, it seemed.

"Naruto! Akashi! Looks like our physical attacks have no effect on the other Madara!" The other Madara? Is that what the invisible thing was? So Madara had another him in another, separate space?

"Yeah!" Naruto replied.

One of Madara's black orbs changed its shape and he took the newly-formed staff into his hands, "Well then... That left eye should suit me perfectly!" The man dashed at Sasuke, a hand extended towards him, reaching for his Rinnegan.

Really, of course it wasn't that easy.

Sasuke disappeared from in front of Madara and his blade stood in his place. Subsequently, that caused Madara to impale himself straight through the chest.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now