Better With You (Good Ending pt3, End)

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"No," Sasuke repeated, "I'm not."

There was a quiet sigh, which Akashi guessed came from the silver-haired man, "Then act like it... There is no reason you shouldn't spend the rest of your years together, is there?" Sasuke was quiet, but Kakashi continued, "The two of you... I really can't explain what you two have," there was fondness in the way he said those words, "You remind me of my younger self a little, you know?" He laughed a little and the mood brightened up.

Deciding he had heard enough, Akashi stepped into the room, "Kakashi, I see you're doing fine..." He said it in a forced tone, still a little bitter about the fact that the man hadn't visited him.

Kakashi whipped around at the sound of his voice and stood still as they faced one another, "Akashi? You... What are you doing here?" He questioned and Akashi shrugged his shoulders.

"I had a talk with Tsunade." That was all he needed to say for Kakashi to understand.

The man glanced at the ground, "I see. How long were you there?"

"Long enough to hear you speak the words of the past," he tilted his head, "Long enough."

Kakashi didn't look at him, "I suppose you need me to leave you two alone?" He looked back at Sasuke, whose eyes were covered with a piece of fabric.

"You are correct." Akashi answered, stepping closer and passing by the man. He stopped in front of Sasuke, who's head was lowered, "Kakashi, now." He urged him and Kakashi did as he was told, but he halted at the door.

"Akashi... We'll need to talk about something." Was what he said, before he stepped outside and closed the door behing himself, leaving the two boys in the room.

Reaching his hand forward, Akashi slid a finger down the fabric which covered Sasuke's eyes, but did not remove it, "You were planning on leaving?" He asked, shifting around him, "You weren't planning on telling me anything? Why? Because you thought you were going to hurt me if you stayed?" Sasuke didn't answer, "That's awfully selfish of you... I didn't expect that." He was being honest.

"You were hurt enough." The raven-haired boy's words resounded through the dimly lit cell.

"I'm hurting right now," Sasuke raised his head at his words, "You were planning on leaving me here... In Konoha... Where I suffered the most." Akashi held back the urge to touch him.

"I was... But I don't know." Sasuke mumbled out.

"You don't know?" Akashi asked in a highly confused way.

"You don't deserve someone like me... You deserve someone better... Someone who cherishes you..." Akashi almost laughed at the boy's words.

"Didn't you risk your life to save me from the tree? Didn't you beg me to stay with you so I wouldn't get hurt again?" He asked, hand unconsciously reaching towards the fabric around Sasuke's eyes.

The said boy went silent as the fabric fell from his skin.

Akashi walked up in front of him and crouched down so he could look into his eyes, "There's no one better than you." Sasuke's eyes were clenched shut and Akashi watched as his jaw flexed when he grit his teeth.

"That's not true... I left you, back then, just so that I could accomplish my goal of killing Itachi... I'm scum." Sasuke bit out and the chains around his hands clattered as his body trembled.

Cold palms cupped his cheeks and he was met with the brilliant colour of violet, "You may be, but your will to accomplish your goal was stronger than the memories which tied you to this place, I understood that and now, I understand it on a personal level." Akashi gently whispered out, staring into eyes darker than the abyss.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now