Inevitable change

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Team Kakashi set off to spend the night in a nearby hot spring.

Once they got there, they immediately went to the baths.

Akashi, Sai, Naruto and Yamato sat in the hot water. In that specific order.

"You have to admit, hitting the hot springs together is the ultimate form of male bonding, right, guys?" Yamato asked, a satisfied expression on his face.

Sai glanced at the man, making Akashi do the same. Yamato had a scary expression on. "I said, right, guys?" Naruto sweatdropped and his eyes widened in fear.

"Yes, sir!" He hurriedly stood up out of the water and his body started shaking.

"Oh, you do have one, after all". Sai spoke up and Naruto whipped back around, before sitting back down in the water again. That didn't stop Sai, though.

He continued looking at Naruto's private parts. Akashi let out a sigh and leaned his head back. "Idiots...". He mumbled out once Naruto started screaming.

"Quit looking at it! Stop friggin' talking about dicks!" He yelled out while pointing at Sai. Akashi let out a groan once multiple laughs resounded in the women's section. Naruto grit his teeth at the sound of their laughter. "Bastard... It's your fault they're laughing at me!" Akashi shook his head and stood up.

"I'm leaving". Without another word, he walked out of the water and towards the exit. A splash resounded behind him and Akashi glanced back to see Yamato standing up. He said something to Naruto, before he turned around and followed after Akashi.

The redhead went over to the locker room to grab his stuff and after he did that, he peered out of the window. It was fairly light out at the moment, so he had some time to walk around. So, after he secured his blade and pouch, he headed out.

With his hands stuffed inside his pockets, he walked through the little town he was in. It seemed to be some kind of festival, since there were various stands with different kinds of things on them. Kids were running around, laughing, being careless. They waved their balloon animals through the air and laughed even harder once some of them popped from being gripped too tightly.

Women, and men alike, were all wearing unique looking kimonos.

What caught his attention, though, was one particular pair.

A woman, with a smile of her own, was pushing at a laughing male. His lips were stretched in a wide grin, amusement rolling off him in waves. "That joke was awful!" The woman said, but still giggled at it.

The man took her hand in his own and leaned forward. "But it worked, since I finally made you smile!" She turned her face away and Akashi noticed a light flush on her skin.

"Still! It was so bad!" He pulled her hand towards himself and the rest of her body followed after it. He raised a hand and moved a single strand of hair from across her eye.

"I like it when you smile... You seem to be glowing when you do that". Her eyes widened at his words and her lips opened, but no sound came out.

"Oh...". Was what she said after a moment, before a fierce blush covered her cheeks. The man laughed at her expression and started walking forward, pulling her along.

"Let's go! The festival has just started!" A wide smile appeared on her face as she followed after him.

"Yes, yes!" She called out and they disappeared within the mass of people.

The redhead, who bore witness to all of that, had his fists clenched inside his pockets. He was reminded so much of the time they spent together. The stories they shared. The opinions they shared. The feelings they shared.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now