It was real

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The world went into a standstill.

The ground shifted and cracked under his feet. The air around him became too dense to breathe in.

Kakashi and the others froze in their tracks as they sensed the sudden change. The man glanced to the side and his eyes widened at the sight that greeted him.

A bubbling, orange layer covered every inch of the redhead's body, some parts of him were peeling off, revealing crimson skin underneath.

Then, at the bottom of his spine, four tails burst out at the same time.

Nobody moved a muscle. There was a moment of silence, before everything changed. It was like he, in that moment, became conscious.

A scorching howl escaped his lips and his body started shifting around. The tails harshly whipped around, barely missing everyone by an inch. He dropped to the ground and his claws dug into the grass underneath. His spine arched and another tail whipped out.

Kakashi could only watch in horror as the rest of his skin fell off and Akashi was replaced by something more...


The creature howled and howled and howled and the ground cracked under its four-legged form. It slowly raised its head, pale, yellow eyes staring right at Itachi.

The others dared not move their feet, afraid it was going to turn on them.

Instead, it lowered itself closer to the ground, before it disappeared from their sight, leaving behind nothing but broken ground.

Itachi had little time to move away as a clawed hand whipped past his face. The creature skidded to a stop, claws ripping into the ground to stop its momentum. It immediately resumed its assault, breaking everything in its path to get to the raven-haired man. Its tails whipped forward, extending from its body, and thrust towards Itachi. The man jumped back from their range, causing them to go back.

Itachi landed on a branch and watched as the creature slowly stalked forward. So this is the Nine-Tails's power? He wondered. It didn't seem like it was that powerful. That was what he concluded, but he was so, so wrong.

It suddenly stopped and raised the tails over its head. Itachi's eyes widened when he saw the chakra that was amassing at the tips. Little blue and red balls appeared out of thin air and connected into one another, forming a giant purple ball. It expanded and expanded, until it was the size of the creature which was creating it.

The man had no time to move away as the ball flashed a bright light and a beam of energy slammed into him, tearing him whole. The beam didn't stop. It raged through the forest behind Itachi, flattening tree after tree after tree.

Only once a howl rang from behind the beast, did the beam flicker and disappear. It slowly turned its head around and faced the group it had left behind.

Another tail burst out of its lower back and a bone like structure began forming on his body.

"Akashi!" Chrono called out, running towards him. "Stop!" But the beast did not. It lowered itself to the ground and dashed at the approaching wolf.

"Chrono! Get away from him!" Kakashi yelled after him, but he couldn't catch up. "Chrono!" He could only watch as their forms grew closer and closer to one another.

Naruto stood frozen in place, not believing his eyes.

Just as Akashi was about to slam into the wolf, multiple howls rang out from the forest around him. He stopped in his tracks and froze in place. "Akashi". Chrono was in front of him now.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now