The Other Side of Paradise (Bittersweet Ending)

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AN: I once planned to have three endings for this story, but I chose two in the end. This ending will be the one that I never wrote.


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"When you think this pain is all you deserve, you are right. You are the only one that can decide how long you will walk in hell."
- Shannon L. Alder

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He chose eternity.

Solitude was like the rain that fell over the sea as the dusk began to settle.

Solitude was like the first snow that melted into the ground as the dawn rose above the clouds.

Solitude was like the thunder that roared across the skies as the moon lit up the midnight sky.

The road he walked was one he would call solitude. The state of being alone, with no one to be by your side. That was the road he chose—the path he chose.

The being inside his mind was not someone, but a part of himself, and still with it by his side he thought himself to be alone.

That was what he wanted. He was the one who chose to leave. He was the one who chose to disappear. He was the one who chose solitude over everything else.

The road may be a long and dark one, filled with pain and suffering—but he chose it, and so he shall walk it.


As he watched his father's soul depart back to its rightful place, he heard one last sniffle leave his brother.

From behind them, Hagoromo hovered in place and the heaviness of his gaze weighted Akashi down. He was looking at him as if he already knew everything about himas if he knew the decision he was going to make, the decision he already made.

So, he waited. He waited until Sasuke raised his hand and Naruto did the same. He waited until the everlasting jutsu was dispelled and everyone was awake again. He waited until Tsunade arrived, and he waited until everything was said and done.

From afar, he saw the eyes he adored so much stare at him, and he made peace with his own decision, "Everyone," his voice boomed through the large space, and soon, all eyes were on him, "There is something that I have to say."

"What, what?" Naruto impatiently asked from the side, almost bouncing on the soles of his feet. He truly was the same as before, never-changing.

His little brother.

That single thing almost broke his composure, but he forced himself not to reveal anything. He needed to be strong, "I am sorry about everything that I've done."

For a moment, nobody reacted to his words, before slowly, one by one, their eyes widened as they realised what he said. Those words were something he never thought he would ever say again, but in that situation, he found it fitting, "We've all already forgiven you, Akashi." The one who spoke was Kakashi.

"Maybe, but I find it hard to believe you'll forgive me after this." Slowly, he felt the corners of his mouth quirk up in a forced smile.

Naruto was looking at him, the giddiness no longer making him bounce around, "What do you mean? After what?"

After what...? That was a good question.

"What are you talking about?" The tone of that voice sounded accusatory, but Akashi didn't mind. Sasuke had tensed up, as if he were still in the middle of a fightready to move at any moment.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now