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Nobody came to visit him after Naruto left... Nobody...

The nurses came a few times to check up on him, but that was it.

Time passed...

And it passed...

It just passed...


When the day of his release came, he felt relieved. He was no longer going to be stuck in that pale coloured room. He will no longer stare out of the window and watch as the sun went down and up, down and up, down and up as each day passed him by.

So, with nothing holding him back, he grabbed his things and went home.


Tsunade hadn't visited him again. He wasn't surprised, after all, she felt too guilty to speak with him.

He couldn't sense anyone from Team Kakashi in the village, so the only possible answer would be that they were on a mission.

A mission without him.

Team 7 had split up again.


He laid in his comfortable bed, but it gave him no comfort.

Sorry... That was what everyone said to him. Sorry... That was the word that went out of their mouths. Sorry... He still couldn't understand what it meant. He realised that he never will...

What was he supposed to do now? He was no longer a part of ANBU... It felt like he was no longer a part of Team 7 either... What was he supposed to do now?


His body felt weak.

His senses were dulled.

Static was all he could hear...

... And he couldn't keep the food down...


A churn inside his stomach made him arch his back in discomfort. The feeling was almost unbearable. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He needed food, but his body was denying everything.

It got too used to not having anything inside it.


He felt like he was losing his mind.

The darkness of his room wasn't making things better... But...

... He knew the light would be worse...


The night had fallen long before he went out. The street lights did nothing, but make him look away from their brightness. He walked and walked and walked... and stopped. Pale eyes glanced up and were met with a place long forgotten. The giant, majestic oak tree which stood before him brought back memories long forgotten.

Thin fingers graze the rough surface of the wooden bark. "It feels like a lifetime had passed...". The whisper was carried away by the cold, night breeze and he realised.

He really was alone now.

Cracked lips pressed together and he leaned forward. The tree held memories... Memories which he wants to erase from his mind, but never forget, at the same time. "Shinya... What am I supposed to do now?" The question went without answer...


"What do you mean?" He received a question back. The ebony-haired male turned to face him with furrowed brows.

Akashi released a sigh, before he rolled over to him, violet eyes clashing with green ones. "Exactly what I asked... What am I supposed to do now?" He repeated the question and Shinya hummed at his words.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now