Not like before

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The door clicked shut and his back immediately slammed into it as another's lips covered his own. He gripped the strong shoulders of the other boy, afraid he was going to collapse if he wasn't holding onto anything. "Shinya". He mumbled out as the said boy pulled back. "Slow down...". Shinya let out a hum and did as he was asked, slightly leaning down to nose at the redhead's neck. Akashi closed his eyes as a shiver racked through his body at the feeling of those lips brushing across his skin.

"I'm fine with going slow... Slow is going to feel really good, Akashi~". Shinya cooed at his ear, tongue slipping out to slide against his ear. Hands grabbed at the redhead's thighs and he was hoisted, forced to wrap his legs around the other boy's waist. "Real, good~". Akashi leaned his head back against the door as Shinya left open-mouthed kisses along the expanse of his neck. Something hot and wet slid against his skin and Akashi could only guess what it was. Not a moment later, sharp teeth bit down, making him flinch as a shiver racked through his body.

"Shinya... Bedroom...". He forced out, feeling light-headed. The other boy complied, but not before he bucked forward, making the redhead release a groan at the unexpected contact. "Shinya!" He urged, fingers digging into the boy's bare arms. They had just returned from an ANBU mission, so they were still in their gear.

"Yes, yes~". Akashi hurriedly wrapped his arms around Shinya's shoulders as he was pulled away from the door. The older boy tightened his grip as he held Akashi in his arms, walking towards the bedroom. Akashi blinked his eyes open, leaning forward and resting his head on Shinya's shoulder. This whole thing was unexpected... He had to admit, this was his own doing, since he teased Shinya as they returned from the mission. Their other squad members knew about their relationship, but chose not to say or do anything about it.

Bird had just warned them that they should focus on completing the mission at all costs and not to be too preoccupied with each other.

The two of them had agreed, but Akashi just couldn't keep his hands and heated gazes to himself...

Those acts led to the point where they were now...

Going towards the bedroom...

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the bedroom door click open. Shinya stepped inside, closing the door behind them and turning back towards the bed. Akashi leaned back, looking at the other boy. When their eyes met, Shinya threw him a bright grin, before Akashi found himself being let go, the soft covers of the bed softening his landing. "Rude". He huffed as Shinya crawled atop of him, hands pushing his knees apart, and settling between them.

"Oh right, fragile?" The moss-eyed boy teased, making Akashi huff again.

"Exac-!" His words were swallowed up by the other boy's lips as they covered his own. Rough fingers slid up his neck and to his jaw as Shinya's pried his lips open. The other hand slid down his sides, grabbing the weapons pouch and throwing it away, before it slid under his shirt and brushed against his, now, bare skin. Akashi turned his head to the side, separating their lips, to take in a breath of air. Lips immediately clamped onto his neck and teeth trailed down it.

He reached a hand towards the boy above him and his fingers grabbed around the hem of his shirt. Shinya leaned back to look down at him, lips parted as short huffs of breath escaped him. "Take this off?" Akashi tilted his head, tongue peeking out from the side of his mouth. Shinya glanced at his lips, before he sat back, nodding his head in reply. Long fingers clicked the straps open and the top layer fell off, revealing a skin-tight shirt underneath. Shinya threw the vest away and reached for the bottom of his shirt, before another pair of fingers covered his own. "Let me". Akashi had also sat up.

𝑾𝑯𝑬𝑵 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑫 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑾𝑺 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now