Part 1

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"No, no, no! That's it!!! QUIT GAME! QUIT GAME!" Skeppy screeched into the microphone, rolling his eyes as he ended his recording. "My admins are trash," he muttered and left the room.

When Skeppy entered the kitchen of his shared apartment, he gazed around in shock and dismay. It was a complete wreck; there had obviously been another house party the night before. 'Thank goodness I'm a heavy sleeper,' he thought despondently, shaking his head.

"I need to get out of this shit hole... but I don't want to live alone, it's too boring," Skeppy said. His mind wandered back to BadBoyHalo's offer to be roommates. He hadn't even met him in real life - wouldn't it be weird? 'Well it looks like my best option at the moment anyways... and he's my best friend, for crying out loud! Of course it would be weird at first, but maybe it could be cool?' he thought.

An idea formed that made him rush back into his room and join Bad's teamspeak as quickly as he could - IRL trolling!

Skeppy rang Bad, but he didn't pick up. Impatient, he spammed him with messages.

Skeppy (15:24): Bad can we talk?

Skeppy (15:27): Bad

Skeppy (15:29): Baddddddddd

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello

Skeppy (15:30): Hello


Skeppy (15:31): Teamspeak now pls

BadBoyHalo (15:31): Okay fine! I hope this is important, I'm busy you know 🙄

BadBoyHalo is calling you. Accept?

"Ske. P!" Bad groaned, "What do you want?"

"Well, umm..." Skeppy stuttered, "you know how, um, you were.... no. Never mind, it's stupid."

"What?" Bad asked, "I'm sure it's not stupid. Tell me!"




Skeppy took a deep breath and blurted out, "Um, well right, so you know your spare room and my roommate is terrible and he had another party and so well I don't want to live there and I like you and you have a room and the offer and-"

"Woah, woah, slow down! What's all this about - oh! My room? Do you want to move in? I thought... I thought you had said no...?" Bad trailed off, confused.

"See, I knew it was stupid! You've already given it to someone else, haven't you?" Skeppy accused, "Well, um... Never mind then! I'm gonna... Go! Yes, I'm going to go now. Bye Bad!"

"Skep, wait!" Bad pleaded.


Bad leaned back in his chair, alone in the voice channel. He hadn't given away the room; actually he was keeping it for if Skeppy changed his mind. 'Why was he acting so awkward and flustered?' he wondered, 'Silly muffin.'

BadBoyHalo (15:49): The room is still available if you want it. Don't be such an awkward muffin, get back to me when you can ❤️


If anyone actually sees my story, then first of all thanks for reading!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

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