Part 23

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The next morning, Darryl and Zak stood impatiently outside of their room, waiting for Dave and Vincent to appear. They were half an hour late, and Zak was beginning to get worried. Pulling Darryl's arms around his waist, he looked up into his eyes. "Do you think something is wrong?"

"What? No, you muffin," Darryl reassured him, "they probably just forgot to set their alarm." He cupped Zak's face in his hand, trying to calm him down. "You're adorable when you're worried," he joked.

Zak pushed away, scowling. "I am NOT adorable! Anyways, do you think we should check on them?"

Darryl checked his watch again, frowning. "They are really late, I guess," he shrugged, "but isn't it bad if we go into their room without their permission?"

Rolling his eyes, Zak retorted, "But then if they need help, we'll feel bad for not checking they were okay. Besides, it's their own fault for leaving a room key at the restaurant last night. They need to be more careful; at least it was only us that picked it up."

Agreeing resignedly, Darryl got Vincent's key out of his pocket and let Zak open their room door. Inside was silent, the room in darkness. They crept towards the bedroom, expecting to find one of them sleeping on the floor and one in the bed. Slowly creaking open the door, they peeked around the side. The scene they saw was completely unexpected.

Both Vincent and Dave were in the same bed, Vincent facing the wall and Dave close behind with his arms around him. Zak felt really awkward watching them, so he flicked on the light sharply.

Two groans came from the bed, and they opened their eyes slowly. Vincent became aware that someone had their arms around him, and turned around to see who it was. Dave was rubbing his eyes with one hand, his other arm wrapped around Vincent's waist. Their gaze met and Dave's eyes widened, realising he was holding Vincent and retracting his arm quickly. "I-" he stuttered, looking away.

Darryl cleared his throat. "You guys were supposed to meet us half an hour ago. I'm guessing you forgot to set an alarm, though."

Vincent frowned, "Oh yeah, sorry... hey! How did you guys get in here?!"

"Because you left your key at the table last night, idot," Zak sighed, walking to the couch and calling over his shoulder, "now hurry up and get dressed!"

Darryl followed Zak out of their bedroom, sitting next to him on the couch and snuggling with him. "You want to start the vlog?" He murmured, camera in hand. Zak nodded, so they filmed an intro, joking about how lazy the others were.

Vincent could hear Darryl and Zak making fun of them, but he didn't care. He glanced at Dave, then quickly looked at the ground, bashful. "So... I'm going to, um, change. Yeah," he mumbled.

Dave didn't answer, pulling his shirt off over his head. When Vincent had gone to the bathroom, Dave changed quickly and then sat on the bed to think. He had no idea why he had cuddled him, and didn't remember doing it either. It must have been his subconscious, he guessed. Reluctantly, he came out from the room, as he heard Vincent talking with the others. The conversation abruptly stopped, and he looked down, embarrassed.

"Hey, Dave," Zak attempted to sound indifferent, "we've started the vlog. Let's go get our skis!" He exclaimed to the lense, pausing the recording and standing up. They all made their way down the stairs, putting on their gear and picking up their skis from the hire desk.

When they got into the Gondola lift, Zak started filming again, rustling around in his pockets. "I got you guys something!" He snickered, pulling out four pieces of cloth. Handing one to each of them and one for himself, he announced, "They're balaclavas. Put them on, they're much better than our black ones!"

Skeppy had a diamond blue one, with his Minecraft character's mouth on the front. Dave had a baby pink one, with a pig's snout over his mouth. Darryl had a white one, with muffins in a pattern all over it. Vincent giggled, slipping on his French flag one. "We look ridiculous!" He laughed, smiling.

"Exactly," Zak winked, pulling Darryl next to him. Ending the recording, they took photos together with his phone. They posted a picture of them as a group to their Twitter accounts, tagging each other and smiling as all of their fans freaked out over the masks. "Mission accomplished," Zak smirked, kissing Darryl through their two balaclavas.

"Ugh, now all I can taste is fabric," Darryl complained, rolling his eyes.

They filmed for almost the whole day, going down slope after slope with GoPros and messing around in the snow. When they tried the next level up in difficulty (blue), Zak and Darryl went about ten times faster than the others, whizzing to the bottom in no time. They stood and watched Dave and Vincent coming down, laughing as they wobbled and weaved their way down between the snow drifts.

Vincent wasn't paying attention to where he was going, thinking happily of that morning, and he ploughed right into Dave. They tumbled and fell, landing in a pile of snow. He blushed, apologising, but Dave just giggled and said it was fine. Vincent got up from on top of him, and pulled him up by his hand. They both stood there, looking at their gloved hands intertwined. Neither of them let go, and they stayed there, hearts beating fast.

The others soon came up behind them, Darryl calling, "Are you two alright?"

They jumped apart, turning to assure him that they were fine. Continuing to film, they headed back to the hotel and ordered takeout, eating it in Dave and Vincent's room together.

After eating, Zak pulled out his laptop and they edited the vlog, uploading it to all four channels. By the time they were finished, everyone was tired, so Darryl and Zak went to their own room, saying goodnight as they closed the door behind them.

The click of the door closing echoed in the following silence, as Dave and Vincent looked anywhere but at each other. It got more and more awkward, both of them turning bright red and hiding their faces.

Vincent had no idea what had happened earlier, but he knew that Dave hadn't let go when they were holding hands. Thinking back to the morning, he felt his heart start to race. Even now, the air was full of electricity. He didn't know what was going on between them, but there sure as hell was something going on.

They hardly spoke getting ready for bed, each climbing into their respective sides and flicking out the lights. After a while, Dave saw Vincent start to shiver in the light of the moon. Without thinking, he shifted closer to him and put his arms around him. They fell asleep like that, Vincent curled up with Dave's arms around him, their bodies close and warm together.


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 23 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


Agghhh they're so confused by their emotions - and cute together <3

Agghhh they're so confused by their emotions - and cute together <3

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Thank you guys so much for 12.1K reads and 433 votes! I'm so happy, where did you all come from?!

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