Part 20

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Techno cleared his throat, grinning sheepishly as the others approached. "Hi guys, I'm Techno, I guess. You can call me Dave in real life, though."

Zak hugged him and he frowned jokingly. "I thought you weren't talking to me, Skeppy? Especially after I crushed you in Skywars," Dave winked.

"Shut up, I won twice!"

"Two times out of fifty matches, yeah," he rolled his eyes.

"Anyway," Zak deliberately changed the subject, "you can call me Zak. This," he held Darryl's hand, "is BadBoyHalo."

"Nice to meet you, Dave," Darryl shook his hand, "and you can call me Darryl."

Zak continued, "And obviously, A6D's here as well." He pushed Vincent forwards slightly, so he could introduce himself.

Vincent just stood there, frozen, slowly turning beetroot red. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. Dave laughed, punching his arm lightly. "Cat got your tongue?"

It was all he could do to nod, moving back to hover shyly behind Darryl.

Zak sighed. "And you can call Mr Bashful over there Vincent. Since when are you ever quiet, dude?"

When Vincent still didn't answer, Dave spoke again to break the silence. "Anyways... whilst you sort yourself out, Vince, our taxi is here."

They headed out to the long line of cars waiting, spotting theirs at the very end. From a distance, Darryl could see it would be a squeeze to get three adults in the back seat.

By the time they reached the car, he was starting to get really worried. It was a rickety little thing, with 'TAXI' painted onto the side in white letters. When he moved to sit in the front, the driver shook his head and gestured to the back.

"Well, this'll be fun," Zak giggled, opening the back door. Dave and Vincent slid in, then Zak gestured for Darryl to follow. When they were in, he climbed onto Darryl's lap, lying his head on his neck to not hit the ceiling.

"Sorry, door broken," the driver said brightly, unfazed. Zak wondered wryly to himself just how long the door had been broken for.

"How long is this car ride, Dave?" Zak asked, his voice muffled in Darryl's shirt.

"Um..." Dave shifted uncomfortably, "about 45 minutes. Are you guys okay sat like that, or should I call for another taxi?"

"Well, I don't mind," Darryl replied, wrapping his arms around Zak's waist, "but Zak might get a sore neck."

Dave cleared his throat, looking at Darryl's arms around Zak. "So, did you see the photoshopped pictures of you two on Twitter? They kind of blew up, didn't they?"

"What Photoshop?" Zak asked absently, fiddling with Darryl's hair. Dave's eyes widened. Then he felt a tap on his legs, and turned to see Vincent looking at him.

"It's not Photoshop, idot. They're going out," he shrugged.

Dave looked at them again. "I guess it's kind of obvious, huh," he wondered. Then he turned back to Vincent. "So you do talk, then," he teased.

"Um, yeah," Vincent mumbled, "nice to meet you, I guess?"

"You guess?!" Dave pretended to be outraged. Seeing Vincent's panic, he quickly added, "I guess it's nice to meet you too. You seem a lot more confident in your streams than in real life."

"You watch my streams?" Vincent cringed, looking away.

"Oh come on, you've only just untied your tongue!" Dave pulled on Vincent's arm until he turned back around. "I think they're good. Although I don't know how you manage to sleep on stream. I would feel too paranoid."

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