Part 24

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Vincent woke to the sound of an alarm ringing. Cursing under his breath, he looked around, trying to remember where the alarm clock was put the night before. Spotting it on Dave's bedside table, he went to get out of bed and walk around, but stopped abruptly. It was absolutely freezing in the room.

Not wanting to die of hypothermia, Vincent carefully climbed over Dave and reached out towards the clock, staying under the covers. He hit it off, but as he did so, he lost his balance and fell on top of Dave.

Feeling pressure on his chest, Dave opened his eyes, yawning. Vincent was lying on him, his eyes wide as saucers. Dave just smiled back lazily, rolling over so he fell to his side of the bed again. Getting up casually, he left Vincent in bed and ate some pop tarts for breakfast. It wasn't until he was showering that he realised how weird Vincent lying on top of him was.

Confused, he dressed and went back out of the bathroom, in search of answers. Not thinking to knock, he barged into their bedroom - and stopped dead. Vincent was standing naked, looking for boxers in a drawer, with his back to Dave. Finding them at last, he spun around, squeaking in embarrassment when he saw Dave in the doorway. Rushing to shut the door, he pulled on the boxers and called, "Do you not do knocking in your country?!"

"Sorry, I- I forgot," Dave mumbled, trying to think of anything else but the sight of Vincent naked. His trousers felt too tight, and he was trying desperately to think of random things to 'calm down'.

A minute later, Vincent emerged, fully clothed. Dave panicked, trying to discreetly cross his legs, but he saw Vincent's eyes wander - and the unmistakable peek downwards. Neither of them mentioned his current situation, but he could see the curious look in Vincent's eyes...

By the time they met up with Darryl and Zak, Dave had regained his composure and they were making awkward small talk with each other. Vincent sighed inwardly. They seemed to be going backwards.

Getting their cameras out, the four of them started vlogging, mucking about and making each other do silly dares. They had tickets booked for a theme park, and in the Uber ride to the park they filmed a quick Q&A.

The questions started off mild, but soon all of their fans were asking about their favourite new ship, Tech6d. In the corner of a shot in yesterday's vlog, where Darryl and Zak were talking, Dave and Vincent could be seen coming down the slope together, holding hands. The fans had picked it up immediately, going ballistic. To them, it was like a fairytale ending - everyone paired off happily - and they were ecstatic.

Darryl noticed the tension growing, quickly putting the camera down. "That's enough of that," he announced cheerily, "we're here now!"

As they passed security and went into the park, their moods abruptly changed. Excited, Zak and Dave ran ahead, looking at all of the crazy rollercoasters in awe. Darryl turned to Vincent, shaking his head. "You'd think we were out with two little kids," he joked. Vincent just nodded, looking ahead ruefully.

"Hey... don't let those questions tie you up in knots, okay?" Darryl patted his arm, "We're here to have fun. Let's not worry about any of that for now."

"Thanks," Vincent mumbled, looking down. Darryl hugged him, and he felt a little better. "You're a good friend, Darryl."

Just then, Zak appeared, Dave close behind, grabbing both of their hands and pulling them into the queue for a rollercoaster. They had fast passes, so they got on the very next cart. It was in rows of two, so Zak and Darryl went together, Dave and Vincent behind them.

"Zak," Darryl hedged nervously, "did you even see what this one does?"

Giggling, Zak replied, "Where's the fun in that?"

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