Part 41

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Checking out the next day, Darryl picked up some pastries and coffee and they started to drive home, munching on the way. As they neared their town, Zak spoke up.


"Yeah...?" Turning his head slightly in Zak's direction, he smiled cautiously.

"Thank you." Zak put his hand on Darryl's thigh, squeezing it gently. "I'm really glad you brought me here."

"No problem," he replied. "I'm sure your mom will come around at some point. But even if she doesn't, you still tried to make things right, and that's all that matters. Anyways, at least you got to catch up with your sister. She seems... nice."

Zak started to laugh. "I never thought I'd have to compete with my sister over a man."

"There's no competition," Darryl rolled his eyes disparagingly. "As nice as she is, I'm not interested in her. Besides, I want to keep you around."

"Of course you do!" Zak pretended to be offended. "How else are you going to get a round two of last night?" He smirked as Darryl turned bright red, focusing on the road. "What's wrong, is it a bit hot in here?"

"What's wrong," Darryl growled, "is that I need to keep driving for another half an hour, and you're making it really hard for me."

"Aww, you poor muffin," Zak teased. "I'll stop, if that's what you really want," he announced, pulling his hand away and closing his eyes.

By the time they got back to the house, it was midday. Rubbing his eyes, Zak looked around him in confusion.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Darryl called, ducking inside of the house.

Zak followed him, fluttering his eyelashes and pouting. "You think I'm beautiful?" He joked, posing.

"Of course I do," Darryl murmured. He grinned as Zak's eyes widened in surprise, slipping his arms around his waist.

"I was joking!" Zak blushed.

"I know." He tilted Zak's chin up, smiling as he leaned closer. "I think you're beautiful, smart, funny, cute, sexy..."

"Get a room!"

Turning sheepishly in the direction of the noise, Zak saw Jacob and George sat together on the couch. Waving awkwardly, he pulled Darryl with him and they sat down on the loveseat opposite. "Sorry, we didn't see you guys there."

"Of course you didn't," George laughed, "I guess now you're engaged you're a bit preoccupied with each other."

"Wait, how did you-" Darryl broke off, sighing. "Vincent told you, didn't he?"

"Yeah. Congrats, by the way," Jacob shrugged, taking George's hand as he shifted forwards.

"So, um..." Zak trailed off, gesturing to their interlaced fingers. "How did that happen?"

This time Jacob and George were the ones blushing. "I don't know, it just kind of... did," Jacob mumbled, looking away.

They avoided each other's gazes, lapsing into awkward silence. "We should probably go sort things out upstairs," Darryl announced finally, getting up and heading to their room.

Zak stood up to follow him. "I'm really happy for you guys," he grinned, sticking his thumbs up at them as he retreated as well. Locking the door, he smirked as Darryl's arms immediately snaked around his waist. "Do you actually need to sort anything out, or did you drag me to the bedroom for something else?"

"What do you think, muffin?" Darryl growled, gently biting his neck.

"I think you want to touch my Japanese symbol for beginner," Zak wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, bursting into laughter at Darryl's shocked expression. "Your face!"

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