Part 27

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Zak couldn't get Darryl to unlock the door, or even answer him, as hard as he tried. Giving up hopelessly, he sat leaning against the door. 'If Darryl's going to play that game,' he thought stubbornly, 'then I will too.' There was no food left in their room, so he knew he would have to come out at some point. Closing his eyes resolutely, he let his mind wander as he waited.

Zak really couldn't understand what he had done wrong. "Because hugging a friend and talking to them is basically the same as jumping their bones," he muttered bitterly, anger building up. Their relationship couldn't carry on like this, with Darryl assuming he was going to cheat on him every five seconds; it was soul destroying.

Darryl heard Zak's angry mumbling from the other side of the door, frowning. He was supposed to be the mad one. Curious despite himself, he crept closer, sliding down the door so he was sitting with his back to it.

He heard quiet crying and shifted uncomfortably. Zak was sniffling, his ragged breathing muffled through the door. Darryl sighed, looking at the ceiling. "Don't cry..." He called awkwardly.

"Easier said than done," Zak choked out.

"... please don't cry?" Darryl tried.

"You've got to be kidding me! I'm locked out of my room, in a hotel in the middle of the mountains, and you're apparently mad at me for TALKING TO A FRIEND WHO WAS UPSET!" Zak screeched, putting his head in his hands and sobbing.

Darryl's heart sank. He went to open the door so he could hug Zak, but stopped when he heard another voice.

Vincent sat down next to Zak, patting his back. "Come on," he soothed, "you can crash on our couch."

"Okay..." Zak nodded, standing up and following him. Once Vincent had unlocked his room door, he held a finger up to his lips, leaving Zak standing by it.

Walking back to Zak's room door, he leaned against it. "You're despicable, Darryl. I know some things are different for you Americans, but I'm pretty sure that basic manners are worldwide. When you're finished sulking, you can let Zak explain to you that he was just being a good friend. Goodnight, you asshole." Vincent winked at Zak and he smiled weakly. They went to sit on the couch in his room, closing the door behind them.

Dave came out of the bedroom to join them, brandishing a takeaway bag. "I've got thin crust pizza and ice cream, food of the Gods."

Vincent bounced up and down, demanding, "Really?! How did you get Domino's to deliver to here?"

Dave shrugged, trying to act cool. "1 hour delivery and a big tip," he boasted, sitting down and passing each of them a pizza box. They tucked in, chatting amicably about their favourite fast foods.

"So," Zak hedged, putting his empty box down, "you guys are okay with each other now?"

Vincent cleared his throat, looking away. "Um, yeah... I overreacted a bit, and I didn't want to stay mad."

Dave grimaced, pulling Vincent onto his lap. "I'm really sorry," he hugged him close.

Vincent rested his cheek on Dave's hair, smiling. "You're forgiven - on one condition."

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Dave rolled his eyes, looking at Zak.

"Whether or not you have salted caramel ice cream in that bag," Vincent giggled, leaning down to investigate. Dave sighed, handing Zak a tub of chocolate fudge Ben and Jerry's. Vincent squeaked, pulling out a tub and popping off the lid.

Zak put his in the mini fridge, pulling Vincent's blanket onto the couch and closing his eyes. To be honest, seeing Dave and Vincent being cute together made him feel sick - it reminded him of how mad Darryl was at him.

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