Part 19

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Darryl woke to an annoying beeping sound. Groaning, he sat up and mashed the buttons on his alarm clock to make it stop. "Zak," he croaked, "it's time to get up." There was no response, and Zak was lying completely still. However, Darryl had seen his eyelids twitch ever so slightly at the mention of his name.

Moving so he was kneeling over Zak, Darryl started to kiss him slowly and tenderly. Zak's eyes snapped open, and he eagerly mashed his lips into Darryl's.

Laughing, Darryl broke the kiss and got dressed. "So you are awake, then," he giggled as he left the room. Zak sighed, getting up.

"That's not fair! Come back nowwww!" Zak called down the corridor, disgruntled. When nobody came, he reluctantly got dressed and wandered into the kitchen. Catching sight of Darryl, he wrapped his arms around him tightly. "That was really mean..."

Darryl held Zak's face in the palm of his hand. "I saw your eyes move. You're really bad at pretending, you know," he kissed him on the nose, smirking. "Anyways... you want to have some fun?" Darryl winked, pointing to a jug of water. "Vincent refuses to get up, the lazy sod," he shrugged.

Zak grabbed his hand and pulled him into Vincent's room, excited. "Ready?" He whispered, his eyes bright. Darryl nodded, so he bellowed, "Morning, sleeping beauty!!!" Darryl tipped the whole jug onto Vincent's head, laughing as he jolted awake, sputtering.

"Wha- why did you do that?!" Vincent growled, disoriented.

"Get dressed, we've got a plane to catch," Darryl replied cheerily, walking back out of the door, "There'll be breakfast ready in five minutes, so get your arse up and be ready by then."

When the door was closed, Zak and Darryl collapsed into a fit of laughter. "Come on, ping spoofer, let's get some food," Zak murmured, standing up and going to the cereal cupboard.

"You want Coco Pops?" He called to the others. Two grunts came down the hallway, so he poured out three bowls and sat at the table, digging in. Soon they were eating together in companionable silence. Zak finished first, heading to the sink to wash his bowl.

Darryl picked up his and Vincent's bowls and stretched his arms around Zak, rinsing them out. Zak turned around and bit his nose lightly, laughing as he jumped back in surprise.

"We're going to be late if we don't go now," Zak announced, "so let's get our bags and stuff in the car."

Soon they were on their way, Vincent sat in the back seat and Zak in the front, directing Darryl. Vincent kept up a steady stream of insults towards every morning person to have ever existed, fiercely regretting not making a travel mug of coffee before they left the apartment.

By the time they reached the airport, Zak was finding the urge to strangle him almost impossible to resist. "If you don't shut up, I'm going to stick your head down the nearest toilet," he threatened angrily.

"Hey, hey!" Darryl interjected, "I know you're both tired, but PLEASE don't fall out in the middle of the baggage line of an airport." Pushing Zak in front of him and Vincent behind (to separate them), he signed them in at the front desk and gave over their suitcases.

Once they had made it through security, Darryl pushed Vincent into a chair at one end of a row of seats, then Zak into one at the other end. "Stay," he eyed them sternly, walking off into the crowds.

A few minutes later, Darryl returned with a tray of coffees. Pulling Zak down to Vincent's end, he handed them each a cup. "Caffeine so you can stop being grumpy," he explained, rolling his eyes.

For the rest of the time in the airport and most of the flight, they hardly spoke. Vincent absorbed himself in a movie straight away, and Zak fell asleep soon after, his head resting on Darryl's shoulder. By the time they landed, the air hostess had to shake them awake, as they had all fallen asleep.

Zak looked groggily at Darryl, smiling and pulling his lips towards him. "Good morning..."

Darryl sighed. "Yes, good morning. I love you, but we need to get off the plane."

Through security, Zak held Darryl's hand tightly, nervous. He hadn't really liked it on their end of the flight, but here it was even worse. There were huge metal machines, not the usual scanners, and you had to be examined in a capsule.

Zak's head had a big metal plate in it, to replace the parts of his skull that were broken, so he had to be inspected by two rough security guards. He held his breath, terrified. Locking eyes with Darryl across the other side of the room, he felt a little comforted. Soon a third person made their way over to the inspection group - a doctor. She told the security guards to bugger off (a bit more politely than that) and let Zak go, as his scars were more than enough evidence to show he was telling the truth.

Zak just ran straight to Darryl, holding his hand again through the whole of Border Control. By the time they made it through, Darryl's hand was turning purple. "Ow," he winced, "you can relax now, you know. Besides, we need to look for Techno."

Zak frowned. "I don't even know what he looks like that well, and there's thousands of people around here."

But just then, someone shouted from the entrance, "A6D! Skeppy!"

"Okay, nevermind," Zak joked, walking over to Techno.

Vincent trailed behind Darryl and Zak, shocked. He hadn't even seen pictures of Techno before, and he was breathtakingly handsome. He felt something stir inside of him, and his heart started beating ten times faster.

This was nothing like what he had felt towards Zak. It was stronger, intangible, yet stabbing and urgent at the same time. Vincent vowed then and there that he would make Techno his... what?

Boyfriend? 'No, that would be crazy,' Vincent thought, 'wouldn't it?'


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 19 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


Techno6d shippers, watch the space!

A6D is turning out really impulsive in this fanfiction...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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