Part 5

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Zak's arms were completely numb by the time Darryl stirred that evening. At some point during the day, he felt weight shifting on the bed and looked at Darryl to see him roll on top of Zak's arm and nestle into his stomach. For a while it was enjoyable spooning with him, but it soon became tedious and painful.

However, Zak refused to move him off - he had looked so weak and fragile earlier. The eventual loss of sensation in his arms was almost a relief, as at least it didn't burn anymore.

Darryl's eyes opened slowly, taking in the room. He felt as if he had slept for days - he tried to move his body, but it was all so heavy... soon he became aware that he was being held by someone else. He looked down at his captor's arms and recognised Zak's tan skin. His heart immediately sped up and he tried to turn around; he felt confused and disoriented. Zak felt Darryl's panic and let go of him immediately, knowing how weird this seemed.

"Zak," Darryl asked, wincing a little, "why did I wake up in your arms?"

Zak gasped. "Oh, shit! This looks bad, doesn't it? We went to the fayre together, remember? Only, you got sick and I took you home. You had a fever and it turns out you were really ill, I asked if you wanted me to stay with you and you nodded. And then you drifted in and out of consciousness for, I don't know, two days or so? Oh! And I gave you medicine - did it make you feel better?"

"Wow," Darryl mumbled, "that was a lot. Why did you stay with me all that time? You didn't have to..."

"Well, because I umm..." Zak looked down and muttered something incomprehensible, blushing furiously.


Zak met Darryl's eyes and took a deep breath. "Because, well... I care about you."

Darryl closed his eyes, unsure what to say. Soon his cheeks matched the colour of Zak's. Flashbacks from the past few days played in his mind. Zak holding his hand as he was sick, Zak comforting him, bringing him home to bed, bringing a cloth and medicine in, looking worried...

Zak stroking his forehead as he fell back to sleep - holding him tight as he drifted in and out of consciousness.

"Zak," Darryl spoke softly, "you did all of that for me?"

"... Yeah?"

"Thank you," Darryl rolled back into Zak's arms, looking up into his eyes, "I care about you too."

Zak whispered in Darryl's ear, "So... you're feeling better now, right?" When he nodded, Zak abruptly retracted his arms and leapt out of bed to the other side of the room.

Darryl looked up with a hurt expression, but Zak just grinned mischievously at him, wiggling his fingers. "Good, 'cause I can't feel my arms, fatty," he joked.

"Zak! Really?! It's been like 10 seconds and you're already trolling, you muffin!" Darryl got up and ruffled Zak's hair affectionately. He was silent, staring blankly into-

"14 seconds now," he giggled, his eyes snapping back to Darryl's.

"Aaarghhh!!" Darryl tackled him and they fell back onto the bed, laughing.

"So... what does this mean for us now?" Zak asked solemnly, all traces of humour gone, as he gazed at Darryl.

"I don't know," he said slowly, "but I know that I have feelings for you... do you feel the same way?"

"Of course I do," Zak replied, laying his head on Darryl's chest, "otherwise I would have left you to it 48 hours ago!"

Darryl looked offended, but Zak winked and he relaxed a bit. "Grrrrr," he mock growled, "you're going to pay for that!"

Swiftly, he shifted his weight so that he was above Zak, their faces millimetres apart. Locking eyes with him, he slowly brought his head down until their lips met softly. He went to lift his head back up, intending to have a short and sweet first kiss, but something had trapped him there.

Zak's hand had tangled itself into the hair on the back of his head, pulling him back down with surprising strength. Zak mashed his lips back into Darryl's, his eyes alight with passion, and nothing mattered more to either of them than each other in that moment. The whole world went dark, and Darryl felt himself give in to his desire.

Their mouths moved in sync, and their lips fit together so perfectly it was as if they were made for each other. The kiss deepened, their tongues frantically exploring each other's mouth and lips, hands roaming across each other's chests. Zak moaned softly into Darryl's mouth as he took of his shirt, exposing his taut tan skin, the subtle muscles lining his arms and stomach. Darryl copied, his pale muscular torso a contrast with Zak's.

"Have you been going to the gym?" Zak whispered playfully.

"Maybe..." Darryl grinned.

Zak flipped them over so he was on top, and his mouth began to explore further, kissing and licking and biting every inch of Darryl's upper body.

He made a slow trail downwards, exploring Darryl's neck, his collarbone, his chest, biting gently on his nipple. Darryl gasped in pleasure and Zak felt something hard poking his stomach. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that," he teased, gesturing downwards.

Darryl just nodded; he was too far gone to speak. He flipped them around so he was on top again, and began tracing the lines of Zak's stomach and chest with his lips and the tip of his tongue, just barely brushing his skin, causing him to practically vibrate with pleasure, a similar bump appearing down below. Darryl giggled, copying Zac before in gesturing downwards. "Snap," he joked.

Zak just rolled his eyes, pulling Darryl back upwards. They felt like they had all the time in the world; there was no point rushing things.

Darryl wrapped his sturdy arms around Zak's lean frame, and they drifted off to sleep together in their own little piece of heaven, completely content.


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 5 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


Welp... that escalated quickly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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