Part 22

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By the time the ski slopes closed for the evening, everyone was freezing cold and covered in snow. They trudged their way back to the Gondolas, getting inside and putting their skis in a basket. Darryl didn't sit next to Zak, going to the opposite side and pretending to be fascinated with the view. He was upset, silently fuming as he looked at the drifts of snow on the horizon.

The whole day, Dave had been chatting and laughing with Zak, which was fine. But he had also been quite hands-on with him, which wasn't fine. Darryl and Vincent had watched on sourly, growing increasingly jealous as the day went on.

Darryl felt a sudden weight on his legs. Zak was sitting on his lap, looking into his eyes with curiosity. "Why are you sulking?"

Darryl started to make up a random excuse, but he was cut off by Zak's lips on his. All hostile thoughts melting away, he wrapped his arms around him and held him close. 'I'm being ridiculous,' Darryl told himself, 'Zak wouldn't leave me like that.'

Vincent turned slightly, watching out of the corner of his eye to see if Dave was bothered by them kissing, but he looked completely unfazed. Taking this as reassurance, he put his jealousy to one side. Zak and Dave were best friends; they were bound to be close!

"I like it better when you're happy," Zak whispered into Darryl's ear, sliding into the seat next to him and holding his hand.

"I am happy," Darryl murmured, picking up both of their pairs of skis as they got off into the main centre. Vincent started to make a beeline for the coffee bar again, but Dave grabbed his hand and pulled him into the next Gondola to go back to the hotel.

Turning red, Dave let go of Vincent's hand and looked out of the window. He had meant to grab his wrist, but he couldn't exactly drop his hand when he had missed.

When they were all in, the slow descent began and they sat together, skis in a pile by the doors. Zak was between Darryl and Dave, with Vincent on the end, next to Dave as well. He felt Darryl tense next to him, and made a point of turning away from Dave to talk to him. 'What does he have against Dave?' Zak wondered, nestling into Darryl's chest. He made a mental note to talk to him about it later, then tried to forget about all of this weirdness.

Vincent and Dave were left sitting next to each other awkwardly, both blushing furiously. Smiling sheepishly, Vincent attempted to make small talk, but Dave didn't answer, looking out of the window. Sighing, he turned away and did the same.

When they finally got to the hotel, they returned their skis and poles at the desk, exhausted. "Let's go get changed," Darryl suggested, "then we can get some food in one of the restaurants."

They agreed to meet in half an hour by the reception desk, then headed to their respective rooms. As soon as Zak got inside, he pulled off all of his clothes and jumped in the shower. He had forgotten to close the bathroom door, but he supposed it didn't really matter. "Darryl?" He called after a while, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

When Darryl appeared, leaning against the doorframe, Zak turned to face him, hands on his hips. Darryl couldn't help but let his eyes flick downwards, blushing. "Hey, my eyes are up here!" Zak teased, crossing his arms. "I want to know why you have a problem with Tech- um, Dave."

Darryl shrugged, looking away. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You can't lie to me," Zak replied softly, shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around his waist. "You've always been a shit liar," he winked, "so tell me the truth." He pulled Darryl towards him, meeting his eyes.

Sighing, Darryl told him about his worries from earlier. Zak listened quietly, frowning. When Darryl was done, he waited nervously for a response, but none came.

Zak was holding his breath, trying desperately to be serious. His heart was melting, and he pulled Darryl in for a passionate kiss. "Aww, I love you too, JealousBoyHalo." Darryl started to protest, but he silenced him with a look. "Dave's my best friend, same as you and Vincent. We've had this conversation before about Vincent, actually. You really need to start trusting me more. The only person I care about is you, and you should know that." He laid his head on Darryl's neck. "Besides, it's not my fault I'm so damn irresistible," Zak laughed, heading to their wardrobe and putting on clean clothes.

Darryl got into the shower, his heart heavy. He washed and got dried quickly, feeling sick with guilt. He should have known that Zak wasn't the type of guy to hurt someone's feelings like that; he needed to start trusting him more. Pulling on jeans and a tee, he glanced at Zak.

He was scrolling through Twitter, his shoulders hunched and frowning. Something funny popped up, and he smiled weakly. Darryl felt like such a horrible person in that moment, seeing how sad he had made Zak. He walked over and pulled Zak up, lifting his chin to get his full attention. "I'm sorry, Zak. You're right, I need to stop worrying and trust you. I know you wouldn't do something like that. I just love you so much, it makes me paranoid that I'm going to lose you."

Zak grinned, "I guess you could say I make you crazy. It's okay, I like jealous muffin quite a lot." He dipped his head, embarrassed. "Anyway, I get jealous when someone flirts with you too. I guess it's natural to feel protective of your partner," he slid his arms around Darryl's neck, pressing their bodies together against the wall. Darryl giggled, kissing Zak on the top of his head. "How about we forget this, yeah?" Zak murmured, biting Darryl's neck lightly.

"Mhm," Darryl replied distractedly, already forgetting his worries, as their lips met.

That evening at dinner, they brought their cameras and announced to their fans that they were on holiday together, chatting and laughing over their food and promising to film their time there. When they finished, they headed their separate ways to get an early night's sleep.

Vincent hung back behind Dave as they headed to their room, thinking of ways to keep warm on the sofa. When they got in, they changed into their pajamas and he curled up on the sofa with a thick jumper, trying to keep warm.

Dave noticed him shivering and stopped on his way to the bedroom. He hadn't realised that there wouldn't be a spare blanket for Vincent, and he felt really guilty hogging the bed. "You can't seriously sleep there, you'll catch your death of cold. We can share the bed," he shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant.

Vincent stuttered, turning pink. "Are you sure - are you sure you don't mind?"

Dave nodded, climbing in and gesturing casually to the other side. His heart was beating fast, and he held his breath, nervous. This was a risk; he could be rejected by Vincent. He didn't get turned down by anyone - he didn't let them.

Vincent climbed in next to him, and he sighed in silent relief. 'Its not easy being the best,' he thought wryly, 'but someone's gotta do it.' Dave wondered why he was so bothered by whether or not Vincent would reject him, staring at the ceiling. It was so unlike him; usually he couldn't care less. So why did Vincent's answer matter so much to him?

Vincent drifted off to sleep, warm and comfortable. Dave heard his soft snores and turned over, watching him peacefully dreaming for a while. Drifting off to sleep, the last thing on Dave's mind was Vincent's face...


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

First of all, thank you for reading Part 22 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


I feel like Darryl would be really soppy as a boyfriend. But I'm sure he would still be a sweetie ❤️

Bashful - A Skephalo Story ❤️Where stories live. Discover now