Part 4

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When Skeppy woke up the next morning, it was to a delicious smell wafting down the hallway. He got up to investigate and found Bad in the kitchen, pulling a tray of blueberry muffins out of the oven.

Inhaling appreciatively, he said, "Morning, Bad!"

Bad jumped and turned around, then smiled at Skeppy. "In real life you can call me Darryl, Skep. Want a muffin?"

The question was pretty pointless though, as Skeppy had already pinched two muffins off of the tray and started gobbling them. Through a full mouth he garbled, "mou cam cal ma Zenk, Damel."

"Sorry, what?" laughed Darryl.

Skeppy swallowed and tried again. "You can call me Zak, Darryl," he managed.

"Okay then, Zak. Now I just have to try not to call you that when we record." He winked.

"Yeah, there's no way I'm gonna manage that all the time," he smirked, shrugging, "I'll probably forget 14 times every recording session."

"Zak, you muffin!!"

"No, THIS is a muffin!" Zak retorted, picking up another muffin off of the tray and squashing it into Darryl's face, splattering the clean floor.

"SKE- ZAK!!! You'd better clean up the mess you made," Darryl growled mockingly.

"Okay," he agreed. Without hesitating, Zak pulled the muffin off of Darryl's face and licked the blueberry sauce off of his cheek. Darryl froze, shocked, but Zak just laughed, running off to his room.

'What the HELL did I do that for?' Zak thought, kicking himself, 'and what is wrong with me at the moment?' He decided the best thing to do was to act like this was nothing. He could play it off as a joke, right?

Darryl was still frozen, trying to process what had just happened. His cheek felt wet, sticky, warm, tingly... wait, what? 'That was so weird of Zak, why did he do that?' he wondered, 'It felt, well... kind of nice-' Darryl jolted back to reality, confused and worried by his thoughts.

He knocked on Zak's bedroom door, but there was no response. "Zak," he called, "I know you can hear me." Still no response. "I'm going to the fayre today, it's passing through town, and I wondered if you wanted to come with me," he offered, hoping the promise of sugary treats could tempt him out.

Zak's ears pricked up at the word "fayre". Darryl seemed to be acting pretty normally, considering what just happened, maybe it would be fun! He agreed to come and got dressed, meeting him at the front door a few minutes later, and they got into Darryl's car together. The ride to the fayre was quite short, and they just made small talk - anything to keep off the subject of this morning.

They spent hours at the fayre, Zak demanding that they buy cotton candy and doughnuts, then dragging Darryl onto fast moving rides on a VERY full stomach. By the tenth ride, Darryl couldn't hold back his nausea anymore and had to throw up into a nearby bin.

Zak felt terrible, knowing he had forced Darryl onto the rides. He got a bottle of water, then waited for him to finish and gave it to him. Darryl retched again at the sight of cotton candy, and Zak grabbed his hand and held it as he was sick once more. "I'm so sorry," he muttered regretfully.

"It's fine," Darryl groaned, standing up again. He took a sip of water, acutely aware of Zak holding his hand.

"Do you want to go home?" Zak asked anxiously.

Darryl nodded, so he led him back gently through the throngs of people to the car, still holding hands. They got in and Zak drove, being really careful not to turn the corners too fast.

When they got home, Darryl looked paler than ever. Zak looked at him, seeing the exhaustion in his eyes, and picked him up. Zak carried him to his bed and lay him on his side on top of the covers, then got an empty bucket and a glass of water to leave by the bed.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Zak asked.

Darryl felt so weak it was all he could do to nod. He soon passed out, sweating in a restless sleep.

Zak noticed the sweat and felt Darryl's forehead; he had a really high temperature. 'I'd better get him some medication,' he thought worriedly, 'this looks like more than motion sickness.'

Once he had found the right medicine in the bathroom cupboard, plus a cloth and water bowl, Zak went straight back to Darryl's room. Darryl was still tossing and turning, so Zak wet the cloth and placed it on his forehead, sighing and settling in for the night as he watched him sleep.

The next morning, Darryl woke up but he still had a raging fever and had developed a painful cough. Zak gave him a dose of medicine, then sat stroking his forehead until he went back to sleep.

'I could be here a while,' he thought wryly, but he didn't really mind. All that he cared about in that moment was making sure Darryl was okay.


Hi, Nadia here! ❤️

Firstly, thank you for reading Part 4 of Bashful - Skeppy x BadBoyHalo!

Second of all, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism, comment down below.

See you in the next part 😊

Instagram: mind_of_nadia
Come for a chat in my DMs :)


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