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Tae had complained that he had wanted to watch a scary movie . So here they were . Much to yoongi's, hoseok's , jin's and namjoon's protest the maknaes had gotten what they wanted .

  Thats how yoongi found himself sitting on the couch with hoseok leaning into him as he cuddled him .  
Namjoon had jin slightly on his lap ( neither actually realized) . an arm wrapped protectively around his waist as he got scared yet again.  The three youngest sat on the floor eyes glued to the tv well jungkooks eyes glued to the tv. Taehyung pretended not to be scared but silently held jimins hand every time he had gotten scared .

" how you holding up" hoseok whispered looking at yoongi. " the movies .. okay i guess" yoongi chuckled looking down at the younger .  " yeah. Completely not scary" hoseok put on a fake smile despite his body shaking .
" you do know i can feel you shaking right ?" Yoongi smirked .   The brunette abruptly sat up

" im sorry was i too close?" He looked down at his hands

" no ..im not usually one for skinship but i was actually quite comfortable holding you .come back" the sudden wave of confidence shocked both yoongi and hoseok but hoseok complied. Leaning his body into yoongi's just like he had previously been . The only difference this time was that neither male was looking at the tv instead eachother . A small smile formed on yoongi's lips as he looked back at the screen . Hoseok subconsciously played with yoongi's fingers lightly squeezing them whenever he would get scared .
      Two hours had passed . Taehyung, jimin and jungkook had fallen asleep sprawled out on the floor random limbs tangled with one another .

Jin and namjoon had fallen asleep cuddled taking up most of the couch. If you didnt know any better you would think those two had been dating for months now .

    Yoongi noticed hoseok had begun to fall asleep.

" guess its a sleepover" yoongi sighed picking up hoseok . It had only been three days since he had his slip up in the bathroom and his arms still stung but he embraced it. He brought the younger into his room and placed him down on his bed seeing as their was no more space on the couch for them .  He placed himself on the other side of the bed leaving reasonable distance between him and the brunette before he turned around and attempted to get some decent sleep he did have work in the morning.


Hoseok was the first one to wake up. He didn't remember falling asleep in yoongi's bed but didn't panic as he could remember everything that happened prior to falling asleep. Plus his clothing was still on. He rolled over examining yoongi's features as he slept . He looked peaceful. Hoseok smiled as he continued to stare at the male basking in his beauty. He would never admit it but he had developed a crush on yoongi.

" quit starring its creepy" yoongi spoke in a raspy voice not opening his eyes causing hoseok to jump and almost fall of the bed .

" i wasn't starring" hoseok tried to hide the blush that spread across his cheeks

" if thats what you want to believe" yoongi had finally opened his eyes and was taken back slightly when he actually saw hoseok . Although he was in the sweats and a sweater that he wore there. His hair was disheveled yet he had a morning glow to him

" now you're the one starring" it was now yoongis turn to blush. He pushed hoseok out of his bed
" i was not" he spoke flatly but the smirk on his face was enough to make hoseok smile .

Yoongi walked into the living room seeing it was only 7 am and no one really had to leave until later on .
He walked over to where jin and namjoon were placed . Taking a quick picture for future blackmail . He tapped both of their shoulder .

" jin-hyung. Joonie. Wake the hell up" him and jin had become acquainted after jin wasted no time in telling yoongi how much hoseok would not shut up about him .

Jin stirred awake before realizing he was inbetween namjoons arms . Internationally panicking he pushed namjoon off of him causing the younger to fall on the floor .

Four groans were soon followed as namjoon clutched his head . Jimin clutching his as well . Jungkook holding his arm and tae holding his side . All looking at jin with less than impressed eyes

" sorry..I panicked" he spoke softly his ears turning red but his face burning brighter . Yoongi chuckled before jimin spoke up .

" what time is it ?"

" seven a.m" jimin groaned once again getting up and heading towards the shower.
" jungkook , taehyung go home and get ready ill see you guys in class" and then the bathroom door closed . Jungkook and taehyung complied and left . Jungkook going to his dorm and tae to his and jins shared apartment.

" i have to go open the shop" jin spoke with a raspy voice .
" can i come with you .. i mean .. uh. So you know incase anyone tries to attack you..yea" namjoon rubbed the back of his head unsure as to why he spoke before he thought but was surprised when jin had actually agreed. Namjoon had changed his clothes and like that both him and jin had left leaving hoseok and yoongi by themselves.

Yoongi walked back to his room only to find hoseok rested against the headboard scrolling through his phone.

" dont you have a job" yoongi asked

" yeah but I usually let jin-hyung suffer a bit by himself before i go at 12" hoseok chuckled yawning .

" dont you have a job" he mocked yoongi's tone causing the older to roll his eyes .

" yeah. But i don't exactly have any projects and i dont leave till a bit later so i have time" yoongi laid on his bed shoving his head into his pillow.

" whats your job anyways"

" I'm a producer. So is namjoon " yoongi smiled proudly .

" can i hear some of your works ?"


" aw why not" hoseok had pouted and yoongi found it hard for him to say no. But he did

" cause i said no"

" meanie" hoseok followed his arms and stuck his tongue out at yoongi

" okay now you're acting like your five" yoongi chuckled . The two had fallen into a silence. It wasn't uncomfortable it was infact the exact opposite . It was nice. Until hoseok spoke

" hyung..why were u on that bridge" hoseok rolled over making eye contact with yoongi. Seeing the olders expression had become dark and the air in the room suddenly cold . Yoongi broke they eye contact and sat up walking towards his dresser

" I'm sorry i shouldn't have asked" hoseok looked down . He heard the older sigh so he looked up .

" maybe i should leave .." when hoseok didn't get a reply from yoongi he felt his eyes water slightly. He walked over to the older male and held his hand. Surprised when feeling his hands had become cold . He brought the hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it before walking out of the bedroom and right after he left the apartment.

Yoongi threw a picture at his bedroom door allowing it to shatter. He sat on the floor of his room letting a few stray tears fall every now and then .

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