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Monday had rolled around . Hoseok found himself pacing around the flower shop , unable to focus on just one thing ..or at all.

'I shouldve said something to him'

' how many times had he done this'
hoseok groaned in annoyance. He should've expected it. He did find yoongi at the edge of the bridge about to jump off . So why did it bother him so much.

" hoseok your pacing back and fourth is annoying me. Whats wrong" he continued to pace back and fourth . Never making eyes contact with jin

" nothing hyung. Somethings just on my mind". Jin snickered. " thats a first"

" akekeke" hoseok mocked dryly before looking at jin with eyes of sorrow " seokie? Whats wrong ?" .

Hoseok sighed "  just ... someone i know. Im not exactly close to him but i know well enough..i think. Anyways he's hurting and i just i want him o be okay. Its stupid i barely know him . I met him on the bridge for fuck sakes" he didnt intend to say the last part but his mouth said before his mind had a chance to think.

" who did you meet on the bridge?...wait why was he on a bridge" hoseok just continued pacing . Oh how he wish he knew


" thank you again joon-ah." Yoongi said as both males left the building . Yoongi had set up his studio next door to namjoon. " dont thank me . All i did was hand him your music .. your the one who made it. He said he really liked your lyrics ."

" well i am a genius" yoongi half joked . Today was one of his up days . He could laugh and smile. He still had an empty feeling but it wasn't as strong. His life was basically a seesaw with only him on it. Somedays he couldn't get out of bed. He wanted nothing more than to die. others he could get up interact with his friends  although one would usually last only a few days before he felt low again.

" hey are we ever going to talk about  what happened last Friday. You walked out of your bedroom like nothing happened" namjoon looked down to see Yoongi's smile falter and he became unreadable once again.

" thats because nothing happened. Let it go" . The shorter male picked up his pace walking in-front of namjoon not expecting the pain he felt when namjoon grabbed his wrist. He winced. "Let it- why did you just wince ?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes

" yes let it go -" he pulled his arm away " and let me go. And you pulled my arm was i not meant to wince. You break everything you touch" yoongi rolled his eyes . Namjoon just looked at him with unconvinced eyes but let it go non the less. Yoongi started walking

" our apartment is this way. Why are you walking that way". Yoongi didn't stop walking only shouted " stop asking questions. Either come with me or dont"

The pair found themselves in-front of the now familiar  shop. Entering they saw to eyes look up . One had a blush across his face and the other looked lost

" hey yoongi-hyung what are you doing here?" Hoseok spoke  . Yoongi panicked , why was he there ?.  " i uh .. i wanted some flowers. Yeah" he smiled trying to be as convincing as possible.

" you dont ev-" yoongi shot namjoon a glare shutting the younger up . " well look around I suppose" hoseok spoke 

" actually ..i was hoping you could pick out one for me. Im not really.. good at picking" yoongi looked down at the ground afraid to see the other now .

" oh. Uh sure i wouldn't mind it"  hoseok smiled and walked over to the freezer containing the flowers . Five minutes later he walked out a small bouquet of white roses mixed with orange and yellow tulips  he handed the mix to yoongi.

" why exactly these ones ?"  Not that yoongi minded. It was just a very specific mix .            "everything has a meaning even the flowers" .
Hoseok  smiled brightly . " thanks" yoongi spoke softly but genuinely before handing hoseok the amount due to for the flowers. Once they left his mood dropped again and jin took notice.

" he was the one you met at the bride wasn't he" hoseok sighed. And nodded his head softly

" he was going to jump wasn't he" jin looked down at hoseok knowing how easily the male got attached to people"

A soft yeah left hoseok's mouth . Picking up the broom he began to sweep the floors of the flower shop

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