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Jin sat hands folded in his lap . Starring into space .
Namjoon paced around .
Hoseok looked as if he had seen a ghost .
Jimin hadn't stopped crying .
Taehyung had silent tears rolling down his face .
jungkooks body shook as the tears left his eyes.

Jackson entered the hospital and looked at the group of crying boys .

" is. Is he okay ?" He spoke softly his voice cracking

" we dont know .. we dont know anything" namjoons voice had finally been heard. He tried the hardest to be strong. To not cry. To reassure everyone but once Jackson asked the question , his legs became weak and he collapsed to the floor the tears following shortly after . His chest burned as he placed his head in his arms . All the boys had gone to comfort namjoon.

An hour had passed and no body knew anything .all boys had used up their tears. " family of min yoongi" a female doctor had spoken . Her voice sounded full of sadness. All seven boys stood up but hoseok had been the first one to talk.
"Is he okay?" He looked at her with pleading eyes . She sighed

" hes in stable condition as of right now. We had to pump his stomach and we had some complications during the procedure but hes stable . He hasnt woken up yet but your allowed to go see him . One person at a time" she spoke

" oh god thank you" namjoon shouted . The doctor walked over to namjoon seeing as he had gotten up .

" may i ask you a question" she spoke ,namjoon nodded hesitant at first.
" is yoongi in a relationship?"

" what ..no. W-why" namjoon was quite shocked. His first assumption was that the doctor had wanted yoongi's number. Oh how wrong that was .

" well we found marks along the lower portion of his body consistent with sexual  trauma" namjoons eyes widened .

" s-sexual. T-trauma.  Are..are you sure" more tears filled his eyes .

" yes and it seemed fairly recent maybe as early as this morning" namjoon was lost for words .
Jackson had been the first one to go see yoongi ,
Followed by jin ,
Then taehyung ,
Then jungkook ,
Then jimin .

Jimin held yoongis hand
" god i dont even know if you can hear me .. if you can. Please. Please fight. We need you yoongi, I know i doesn't feel like it . But we need you. Ive always needed you. Remember when we were kid and we had first met. I was only ten You were twelve. I remembered i had gotten bullied for being into dance .I remember how you scared all of them away and protected me even though you pretended not to care . Yoongi plleeease push through. I need you.. i need my best-friend. I need my partner in crime. I need the other half of yoonmin . I cant do this alone. .." jimin kissed the back of yoongi's hand and stood up. He turned around
" yoongi- hyung fighting". And then he walked out .

Namjoon was next . Before he even entered the room he started crying again. He was never big on tears. But be couldnt stop .
". Aish. What were you thinking yoongi . I cant lose you too. I lost my eomma already. I cant lose you . We have been through thick and thin. Since you had become my next door neighbor." Namjoon ran his hand down his face attempting to steady his breath. He didn't know what he wanted to say. There was too much to say
" we're in this together yoongi. We always will be. I was there when you told me about your dad . I was there with junsu .im here now and ill be there through everything. Ive known you for 16 years .. long time .i know you don't see your worth yoongi but its all there. Your talent. Your lyrics. Your personality. All of you is important. And im sorry I couldn't show you it. But if you pull through i promise. Ill show you yoongi" namjoon squeezed the others hand before walking out .

It was hoseoks turn. He looked at yoongi. He looked so much paler. But still alot darker then how they had found him hoseok sat down and held yoongis hand . He starred at him hoping he would wake up and tell him that starring was creepy .
" i found you on the bridge, Two months ago. I got you to come down. I got you to talk. I didn't intend to feel the way i feel for you. But i wouldn't change it. Even if you dont feel the same . I always had an okay life . But you made it so much more . You give me something to believe in. A meaning. I feel oddly homesick away from you . All my dreams could come true , they wouldnt mean anything if i didn't have you .even if its just as a friend . I took me a few stupid words to get u come down. And it took you two months to make me fall utterly in love with you .. and ill never understand how you did it . -" hoseok felt tears roll down his face. And a lump form in his throat for the second time today " i know its stupid to say. Two months is to fast .I guess. If you know. You know ... yoongi please pull through .. if not for namjoon, if not for jimin , if not for jackson. Then for me. I need you. I need to see that sweet gummy smile and those cute cat like eyes . I know we'll probably never be able to fix all of the damage. But can we atleast try. .." hoseok stopped talking and laid his head on the bed still holding yoongis hand. He couldnt talk anymore. He didn't even feel the elder move .

" you talk alot" yoongi spoke before coughing ,his chest burned . Hoseok sat up and fresh tears poured out of his eyes as he flung his arms over yoongi's torso and cried. " im sorry" yoongi spoke. He genuinely was. Hoseok stood up and hugged yoongis head petting his hair. " never apologize for being alive. never" he placed a sweet chaste kiss on yoongi's forehead as more tears left his eyes.

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