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The sound of a wine cork being removed from the bottle sounded over the music as the boys all gathered in the livingroom of seokjin and taehyung's apartment.
Hoseok raised the bottle pouring some in everyones glass before placing his hand on yoongi's shoulder .

" congrats to yoongi-hyung" he shouted already slightly drunk . Yoongi repressed the laughter that had threatened to leave his mouth.

" guys its not that big of a deal." A small smile played on yoongi's lips despite his protests . " not that big a deal? Your song is going to be aired on tv everywhere in Korea. I think its a huge fucking deal" namjoon exclaimed making the older male slightly blush from the constant praise he was receiving.

" thank you guys I appreciate this"

"Maybe hoseok will reward you tonight" jin smirked looking away as if those words had not just left his mouth. Everyone laughed except yoongi and hoseok who both wore blushes and shocked expression. Yoongi took the glass of wine from the older male " thats enough for you hyung"

" i haven't even had a glass".

" lets keep it that way." Jin rolled his eyes and pulled his glass back from the other male . Hoseok leaned over the back of the chair making sure his lips where placed near yoongi's ear.

" maybe i will reward you. We never got to finish what you started in the dance studio." The blonde choked on his wine slowly turning his head so he was facing the sly smiling redhead.

That doesn't sound to bad actually

"So are we invited to the show ?" Jimin asked . Come to think about it. Yoongi wasnt even sure if he was invited to the show. Sure his song was playing but he wasn't preforming it. A group of dancers where dancing to it.

" to be honest i dont even if im invited to it. But if i am you guys can come. If you know how to act"

" we should form a group. What if in another universe we are" taehyung made an exaggerated expression as the words left his mouth. Everyone stopping and looking at him with straight faces .

" tae stop doing drugs." Namjoon patted the back of the blue haired male who just pouted.

" i dont do drugs. And it was just an idea."

Jin walked into the kitchen so he could go check on the food cooking. Jumping when he saw namjoon behind him shyly standing with his hands placed behind his back.

" i uh im sorry i didnt mean to scare you" namjoon had never felt this nervous. It was just jin. Why was he so hesitant to talk to him.

" its alright. Do you need anything" jin tended to the food on the stove hoping his slight blush would be blamed on the heat from the pot.

"A-Actually i w-wanted to talk t-to you" he mentally face palmed for stuttering. " sure. Whats up" namjoon toon a deep breath.

Just say it .get it out its not that hard namjoo-

His thoughts had been cut off by jin snapping in front of him. A slight worried expression on his face.
" oh uh. Im sorry. I just uh. ..wouldyouliketogooutonadatewithme" namjoon looked down at his hands so he wouldn't have to see the rejection. The words had almost come out to fast for jin to comprehend but he caught them and smiled .

"Id love to" he smiled. Namjoon got up " i understand it-wait what?

" i said i would love to go on a date with you. I was wondering when you were gonna ask me" jin laughed as Namjoon's expression turned from one of happiness to one of shock. Getting up he walked over to the taller before standing on his tiptoes to place a soft chaste kiss upon his lips.

"Took you long enough" he walked away into the living room .leaving namjoon speechless and struggling to find his words.

"Fuck~" hoseok grunted as he moved himself from his position his legs finally touching the ground i. Yoongi looked over from the couch.

" did you check your dresser maybe you left your keys in one of draws" hoseok ran his hands through his hair letting out a frustrated sigh. Cant believe i lost the keys to the goddamn studio.

"Ill go check" hoseok spoke , frustration lacing his voice and each step he took .

" are.you.fucking.kidding.me!" He shouted as he dug through the fifth draw. Only finding the same thing as the previous ones. Clothing. " why do i have so much clothes!".
His anger slowly died down when he felt a soft pair of hands grip his shoulders from his place on the floor and massage them. He let out a soft moan once yoongi applied more pressure to his shoulder bones.

" seokie calm down. Your gonna stress yourself out looking for a pair of keys" . Hoseok tilted his head up meeting the soft eyes that mad his heart skip a beat .  

He stood up and turned around so he was now facing the blonde. He placed his hands on yoongi's shoulders smiling brightly at the eye contact.

" uh not that i mind seok. But. Why are you starring into my non existent soul"
Hoseok chuckled running his thumb over yoongi's cheek

" am i not allowed to admire my boyfriend" the words caused yoongi's eyes to widen.  Sure they kissed and had sex. Hell they did everything a couple did. But was hoseok actually his boyfriend.  Could he call him that ?.

" you know i don't remember you actually asking me to be your boyfriend" the statement yoongi spoke came off a more of a matter-of-factly one although his eyes remained glued to hoseoks both sharing the same fondness.

" well in that case.  Min yoongi would you to be my boyfriend?"

"No." hoseoks faced dropped. Thats not What he had been expecting.

" i would love to be your boyfriend" yoongi chuckled as he watched his boyfriends face light up like a childs on Christmas morning .

"You little shit. You scared me"

" you adore me". One again hoseok brought his hands to yoongi's cheeks cupping them as he brought the older closer. Placing a sweet passion filled kiss on his soft plump lips

" goddamn right i do" .he said before he kissed yoongi again. The shorter male placed his arms around hoseok's neck in attempt to bring them closer together feeling hoseok wrap his own around his waist.

They broke apart from the kiss once breathing became a problem. Never moving from the position they were in , instead yoongi laid his head on hoseok's  shoulder as the two swayed side to side enjoying the silence and the embrace of one another.
You're my penicillium, saving me, saving me
My angel, my world

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