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(A/n: this who chapter is a flashback of yoongi leaving junsu)

The rain cascaded down Yoongi's petite figure as he  continued to run away from that house.  His legs burned , his body ached ,his vision blurred but he had to get away.    Happy laughter could be heard as people strolled the streets of Seoul . Some with their children. some with their partners. Some with their friends . He stopped quickly taking in his surroundings .

Christmas. He had practically forgotten that such a holiday was supposed to be celebrated with those you loved . Not in a dark room with only yourself and your fears.

the running continued,To the only place he felt safe ,to the place he hoped he was still welcomed .

He knocked on the door rapidly as he felt himself sway , black dots filling his already blurred vision.   After the fourth knock the door opened and his eyes met with those of a concern jimin .

" hyung!" Was the last thing he heard before darkness filled his vision. Before he got closer to his happiness. To his death.

The voices could be vaguely heard but he wanted to stay far from them in fear they would only pull him back. He could hear the cries and the pleads. But after a while it got silent. He no longer heard the pleads . He felt his body drift further and further away from sound. Away from mind. And like that he stopped fighting . Moving further away from what he once knew and closer to the abyss . It scared him but thrilled him.

Could he really be free?

Was this really it ?

But he heard the pleads and cries again. Louder this time. He could make out the voices. He heard jimin's voice. He heard namjoon's. They were there ? How long had they been there.
But all at once the familiar voices were drowned out by loud ringing and the darkness once surrounding him became light and he moved towards it.

" he's waking up!!NAMJOON-HYUNG HE'S WAKING UP. GO GET THE DOCTOR!!" jimin whispered/shouted as he rushed the other . Namjoon ran to retrieve a doctor .

Opening his eyes completely his vision was blurred and proved to be no help . He tried to talk. He felt a hand on his chest pushing him back down .

" hyung don't talk you have a tube down your throat. Dont talk" he vision hadn't cleared but he could make out the voice . Jimin. He felt another hand on his chest and began panicking not being able to tell who it was .

" mr.min i need you to cough for me. This might feel uncomfortable but the quicker you cooperate the quicker I can remove the tube" the doctor held his hand on yoongi's chest feeling him beginning to cough he pulled the tube out of Yoongi's throat . Once the tube was completely out he handed yoongi a cup of water .

" do you know your name ?" The doctor cocked up an eyebrow looking down at the pale boy who still had wires attached to him.

" min yoongi" the doctor scribbled something on a clipboard

" how old are you"

" 25"

" do you know the month" yoongi rolled his eyes at the never ending question. As the doctor brought a flash light to his eyes. His vision clearing now

" yeah. December". He noticed how namjoon and jimin shifted uncomfortably before bringing their gazes down to the ground. He furrowed his eyebrows .

" what?" He voice broke as namjoon looked up at him sorrow vividly lacing his brown eyes .

" hyung..its- yo-you've been out for a month.." yoongi's eyes widened before one of his hands trailed across his body. No bruises .he felt the back of his head.  No cut . 

" a-a month.." it was then that he noticed his hair slightly covered his eyes. He trailed his fingers across his jaw flinching slightly when he felt the stubble . he was out for. A month.

Tears filled his eyes .

" ill give you three some time" the doctor exited the room leaving the three males alone. Only the sound of the heart monitor could be heard . Only then did he notice how his friends looked. Both had lost a significant amount of weight. Their eyes puffy and red like they cried not stop . When was the last the last time they slept. Last time they smiled.

" i thought we had lost you.." jimin spoke. Not caring for the cracks that presented itself in his voice .  " a few more days and we would have had .." jimin trailed off . His words getting caught in his throat?

" my eomma ?" Yoongi suddenly remembered his mom and step brother.

" she stayed with you for the first two weeks. But had no choice to go back to daegu. Jackson was here with mark.  But when your condition started declining.. he couldn't bare it." Jimin took a seat beside namjoon on the couch .

"..... what about junsu" both boys knew it was coming. They knew their hyung still loved that bastard with all of his heart.

" hyung.. he never came. He brought back the things of yours. And he left. He doesn't care yoongi!  He never cared"  namjoon , although he knew the name was bound to be spoken if yoongi pulled through, he was angry. How could yoongi still loved a man that beat him into a coma?

" tha-you're lying. You have to be. He loves me!" The statement sounded foreign to yoongi. He knew junsu didn't love him. That was the hardest part.  There wasn't anyone like him. Maybe he wasn't ready to say goodbye. He needed him.  He wanted him

" hyung look around you!  He put you in a Fucking hospital. He doesn't care. He never has. When will you get that through your goddamn brain!!" The words hurt.  Namjoon yelling at him hurt. He knew they were true.  But he didn't want to believe it.

" namjoon-hyung calm down." Jimin pulled his arm only to be pushed back.

" no he has to hear this !   He doesn't care min yoongi!  He left.he's Fucking gone. He put you in a fucking coma. We almost had to pull the plug on you. But here you are , asking for the man who beat you shitless for the last two years!" By now tears were streaming down Yoongi's face.  Why did he wake up?  Why couldn't he had stayed asleep so they would have pulled the plug.

" NAMJOON, CUT IT THE FUCK OUT. THIS IS NOT HOW YOU GO ABOUT IT. YELLING AT HIM LIKE A FUCKING CHILD!  GO TAKE A GODDAMN WALK! " Jimin yelled shocking the older in the process . Namjoon had just scoffed  muttering a whatever before he left the hospital room.

Yoongi rolled over on his side facing away from the other. He didn't want to be seen crying. He was already weak for loving a man that never gave a fuck about him.
" please look at me"
Yoongi only shook his head . So jimin walked to the other side and crouched down infront of the black haired male .  " he's just tired.  Both of us haven't gotten enough sleep. But thats no excuse i suppose"

Jimin used his thumb to wipe away the tears treading down Yoongi's face. Only for them to be replaced by more

" is he really gone?" Yoongi had sounded like a child who just lost his dog. Or gold fish.

" yeah.. yeah he is."

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