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Yoongi stretched from his position on the uncomfortable bed . How could hoseok sleep on this .
" ah you're awake" he looked up to see jin with a soft smile, plate in hand as he walked closer to the blonde.

" yeah.. where are the others?" Yoongi spoke realizing that it was just him and jin. " ah i think they went out to go beat that junsu guys ass" yoongi's eyes widened

" ah im just kidding" yoongi slouched back sighing in annoyance

" aw . Dont mess with me like that hyung. I thought they were finally gonna beat his ass" the statement caused both males to chuckle before jin remembered the plate he brought with him. "Eat this" he handed the plate to yoongi.

"What is it?" Yoongi only looked at him with unsure eyes

" just eat it?"

" no. Not until you tell me what it is" jin scoffed but took the lid off the plate

" japchae .. a little birdie told me it was your favorite" the words warmed yoongi's heart and made a slight smile appear on his face
" thank you. I appreciate it" he picked up the chopsticks that jin had placed down for him and placed some in his mouth. Moaning at the mix of flavors .

" wow this is really good" jin only shrugged " eh its nothing really. How'd you sleep?" He asked noticing yoongi stiffle a yawn .

" eh,hoseok's bed isn't the most comfortable. If anything my ass hurts more" yoongi rubbed a small circle on his lower back before going back to eating "you sure that was from the mattress" jin laughed seeing yoongi's face burn a bright red before he felt a noodle hit his face .

" you really like him dont you?" Jins question had caught yoongi off guard . The younger smiled as thoughts of his sunshine flickered across his mind. Yeah. Yeah he really did like him

" yeah. I do , the very thought of him makes my stomach feel a zoo. And his stupid face makes me want to kiss him. Not to mention his loud ass voice. God i adore that voice" the blush only spread across yoongi's face more  as he started playing with the noddles in the bowl. It was actually the first time he had said those words out loud and it felt right. So right .

" yah! Dont play with my food. But if its any consolation. He likes you alot too. his eyes become literal hearts when he's thinking about you. Ive never seen him trip over his own feet when he dances until he met you."

" wow im honored i can make the dancer trip" The pair sat there in silence. Not an uncomfortable one. But one where neither had to say anything. an unspoken bond these two had. And it was perfect . They always enjoyed the company of one another.

" hey hyung.. can i ask you something" yoongi looked up at jin only receiving a hum in response .

" do you like namjoon.. i see how you two steal looks at one another when you think no ones looking" . It was now jins turn to blush brightly as his own happiness invaded his mind. Not that he ever left .

" yeah..i guess i do. I just I'm not good with going about these things" he looked down and fiddled with his hands. What if namjoon didn't like him back. What if he misread the signs? " just talk to him about it. Trust me. Even though the man has an iq of 148 things fly right over his head. I promise he likes you too just talk okay?" Jin nodded not being able to hide the blush that burned his ears and cheeks .

" but if you hurt him. Ill be sure to make your life a living hell despite how close we are" jin only nodded at the threat knowing the kitten wouldnt hurt him.
" you might want to take out those contacts before you get an infection" yoongi jumped up and looked in the mirror . Yup. Green contacts . He muttered a quick thank you before going to wash his hands  so he could take them out .
Jin began to walk out but not before calling yoongi once more. Receiving a hum in response

" you're my favorite dongsaeng" yoongi smirked in looked up despite only having one contact in
" and you're my favorite hyung"

" im your only hyung"

Yoongi laughed and nodded " exactly"

(A:n. A little yoonjin for the soft hours☺️)

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