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Dianna's POV

I woke up at 3 in the morning to, who I assumed I was Demetria, crying. I quietly walk across the hall and into Demetria and Skylars' room.

I walk over to Demetria's crib and she's sleeping peacefully. How? I don't know. I go over to Skylar's crib and pick her up. I walk into the kitchen and make her a bottle. As I'm walking to the couch, I see Dallas laying there. Wide awake, too.

"Mommy?" "Yes Dal. It's mommy. You need to go back to bed. Okay?" She gets up and gives me a hug. "Yes mommy. Is Demetria okay?" "Oh honey. She's fine. This is Skylar. But she's just hungry baby girl. Go to bed now, okay?" She runs back to her room. I look down and Skylar laying in my arms. She's already asleep again. I set the bottle in the kitchen and put her back in her crib. I walk back to my room and go back to bed.


Yes, I realize this is very short. It's just an intro though. Don't worry. Other chapters will be longer.

I don't know how I came up with this. I was writing my other Demi fanfic and just thought of this.

Bare with me, guys. I'm still building up the story to something that will change the whole story.


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