U Got Nothin' On Me

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Skylar's POV

I woke up at around 9:30 this morning. When I got up,

I called the cops because I knew Demi wasn't going to say anything. They told me to stop by with Demi later. So, I'm waiting for her to wake up.

I walk up to Demi's room and open the door. When I look in, she's laying facing the door, with her eyes open.


"Yeah?" She looks up at me. "Get dressed. I'm taking you somewhere." She didn't even question me. She just got up and went to get ready.

I walked down the stairs to mom and dads room. I walk to mom who's sitting in bed on her computer. "What's up baby?" "Me and Demi are going out for breakfast." She smiles and nods. I walk out and go to the car. I start it and wait for Demi. A few minutes later she comes in and we leave.


Demi's POV

We just got home from a very eventful day. Without telling me, Skylar told the police. She also brought me there so I could give them a written statement of everything that happened. After I was done writing, they read it over and said they were sending people to go get him.

"Demi." "Deemmmmiiiiii... Heeeellloooooo??"

"Sorry, what?" I asked. "You okay?" I nodded. I wasn't mad at her. She did warn. Me that she would tell someone if I didn't, and I guess she knew I wouldn't.

"Don't worry. They've already got him by now." After she said that, her phone rang. She gave me a apologetic smile before answering.

I only heard her side of the conversation. "Hello?" "Yes." "Really?" "Okay. We'll be right there." She hangs up.

"Who was it?" She looks at me and says, "Marissa. She said that Joe was there a little bit ago." My eyes went wide. I thought the cops had him. Skylar starts the car and we drive to Marissa's house.

As soon as we pull into their driveway, Marissa comes running up to us. "Demi! Skylar! Thank God you're here!" She hugs me and I hug her back even tighter. She walks up to her room and we both follow. We walk in and sit on her bed. "So.. What did he say?" Skylar asks.

"He said he knew that Demi would tell. And that he would be back. Then he left." She said. Me and Skylar both sighed. Fucking twin shit.

Joe's POV

Oh Demi. Sweet innocent Demi. I must tell you, our little date yesterday was fun. I heard from one of my little snitches that Demi told that bitch Marissa and her emo ass sister, Skylar. I'll get her for it.

I walked out of my house and into my car. A few minutes later, I found myself I front of Marissa's house. I walked up to her door. She opened the door and looked utterly shocked.

"Just know one thing Marissa," I started. "I know, that Demi told you. And guess what? You better fucking watch yourself and sleep with one eye open, because I will be back." With that, I walked away.

I got into my car and watched as she kept staring at me while grabbing her phone. I laughed, shook my head, and left.

When I got home, there were a bunch of cops. Now, you're probably expecting me to get all worried, right? Well no. I have one of the best lawyers in the country. I got out of my car and walked up to one of the cops.

"Excuse me. What's going on?" The cop looked up at me and grabbed his handcuffs.

"Joe Jonas. You are under arrest for the rape of Demetria Lovato. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you?"

I nod as he puts the cuffs on me and shoves me into the car.


(Red and black are shorter time skips)

"Look, I told you I didn't touch her. You have nothing that says I did this!" I yelled at the cop. "Yes you did! Everything Demetria told us fits! Just admit it, you raped her."

"I want my lawyer."


"This is completely crazy. You are harassing my client for something that you have no proof ever happened."

"I never raped Demi! That girl is fucking delusional! She sees and hears things all the time! She always told me she heard things. It doesn't surprise me that she made this up."

My lawyer looked at me. "Joe. Not another word."

Then the cop started talking again, "You tell me the truth now, I guarantee things will be a lot better on your part." I open my mouth to talk but get interrupted.

"We're done here."

Then, I get drug to my holding cell.

Dianna's POV

I'm at home making supper when someone knocks on the door. I tell Eddie to go open it. When he comes back, he's being followed my 2 men.

"Dianna, the cops are here. They say they have something to tell Demetria." I look at them then say, "I'll go get her."

I walk up the stairs to Demi's room. When I open the door, no ones there. I go to Skylar's room and hear them laughing inside. I open the door. "Demi. Someone's here to talk to you." She gets up and follows me down to the kitchen. When she walks in, she freezes.

Demi's POV

I walk down the stairs and stop dead in my tracks when I see two cops standing by Eddie. I take a huge gulp then say, "May I help you?"

One cop comes from behind Eddie and says, "We're here to talk to you about Joe Jonas."

Shit. I never told mom or Eddie. The only ones that know are Marissa and Skylar. I feel Skylar grab and squeeze my hand, causing me to look at her. She gives me a reassuring smile then drags me to the couch and telling the men to sit.

She speaks, "So, what would you like to tell her?" He smiles then says, "No need to worry, miss. We're just here to tell you that we have Mr. Jonas in custody and that he is not getting out anytime soon. So, you do not need to worry about him. Also, we're here to tell you that the rape kit came back positive for male body fluids. We have confirmed that it is Mr. Jonas. We would like for you to testify against him as well."

I look up at my mom and she looks completely shocked. I mean, I would be too if I just found out my daughter was raped by her ex- boyfriend.

Then she turns to me and says, "Demi?" I don't say anything. I just turn and hide my face in Skylar. I start to cry remembering what Joe did.

"Joe raped her. Yesterday before school." Sky says.

"But... How? I watched you both walk to school." I turn and look at my mother. She's in tears. "He grabbed me after you left." I say in between sobs. She turns and looks at the cops implying for them to continue.

"Mrs. De La Garza, there is noting to worry about. We have everything under control. Now, I need to know, will Demetria be testifying?"



Joe's a bitch, huh? But they got him!!

Tell me what you think about this chapter! Don't be shy!!!

I love you all!


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