Don't Forget

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2 Years Later (2008)

Skylar's POV

The past couple of years have been okay, I guess you could say. I haven't cut in three months. Dallas has been helping me with that.

Right now, Demi is working on a movie. I believe it's called Camp Rock. She's been kinda nice to me. But we still have our moments. Demi has been starting to get famous, and I don't know why, but mom and dad don't want the world to know about me. That makes it hard to go anywhere with my family.

Usually, I just stay home if they go out for a "family" supper.

"Hey, Sky." I turn and see Demi behind me. "Shouldn't you be filming or something?"

I haven't been to nice to mom, dad, or Demi since she started this stupid movie. Why? Because this is a Disney movie. Which means, Demi is going to get more and more famous because of this movie.

And once that happens, I'll never be able to leave the house.

"Look, I don't know why you're acting like this, but it's not cool, okay?" I turn around and laugh at her.

"You deserve it."


We just got home from filming Demi's movie. I jumped out of the car and ran into Dallas's room. When I open the door, I see her asleep on her bed. I shut the door and crawl in with her. She immediately wraps her arms around my waist and pulls me closer to her. I started to fall asleep when I heard her say, "I love you baby girl." I smiled and before dozing off, said "I love you too Dal."

I woke up to Demi yelling at someone.


I hear a door slam and then someone running up the stairs. I hear another door slam and the sobs coming from the other side of the wall.

Demi's POV

Joe just broke up with me again. Yes, AGAIN. We've dated like 3 times since we started filming Camp Rock. I run up to my room and lay on my bed.

I'm laying there crying and then I hear the voices again.

Joe broke up with you cause you're a fatass.

Why would he want to be with someone as ugly as you?

Just cut, Demetria. You know you want to.

I reply in a whisper. "No."

Then the start up again.

Oh come on, Demi. Just once and then we'll leave you alone.

We're just trying to help. Just do it once.

Instead of cutting like I usually would, I grab my phone and call the only person who has ever helped me.


"Marissa.." "Demi. What's wrong?" I let out a sob and say, "The voices. I n-need you to come o-over."

"Okay. Don't move I'll be right there babe."

Thank god for friends like Marissa. She's the only person who knows about my cutting. She's never judged me or ever left me because of it. A couple minutes later, I hear the door bell ring. I run downstairs and open the door, i jump into Marissa's arms and she carries me to my room. She lays me down on my bed, shuts the door and sits down next to me.

"Start talking." I sigh. "I don't know. Joe broke up with me. Skylar still hates me and I don't know why. I guess, I just overall feel like shit." I look at Marissa and she's starting to cry.

"Did you... Did you, you know." She says pointing at my wrists. I shook my head no and she breathes out in relief. "Oh thank God." I look at her for a while then say, "Why do you care so much? No one else does.."

"Demi. You are so beautiful. You are smart, funny, sarcastic, sometimes you can be a bit of a bitch, but I love you for it. You're the perfect friend. Whenever I need you, you're there for me. No matter what's going on in your own life. Without you, I would have a giant piece of my heart missing. The fact that you trust me enough to tell me this," she pauses and grabs my wrists. "The fact that you trust me enough to tell me this.. Means so much to me. I hate knowing you're upset with yourself. I wanna help, and I'm going to. I promise. I will always be here whenever you need me. And you know what?"

I look up at her and she continues, "I'm so proud of you." I smile. "What for?"

"For calling me, instead of listening to those bitches inside your head. Because they're there to hurt you, and I'm here to help you. No matter what they say, they're the bad guys. They say they're trying to help, but I guarantee you, it's not true. If you want someone to help, talk to your mom, Eddie, Dallas, me, or Skylar. No matter what you do to make them mad at you, I promise they will always be there when you need them. Okay?"

I nod.

"Okay, now, give me ALL your blades. I know you got more since last time."

I walk into the bathroom and grab my blades. I go into my room and give them to her.

"I said all of them."

I grab the one from under my mattress and hand it to her. She sighs and talks again. "Demi I'm not stupid. Give me them all." I grab a few other ones and say, "That's all. I promise." She walks into the bathroom and I follow. She goes to the toilet and dumps them in. She flushes and smiles. I smile and say,


She laughs then says,



Dallas's POV

I woke up and saw Skylar snuggled into me. I grab my phone and look at the time. 7:30 I shake her a little and tell her to wake up.

"Let me sleep, Dallas." I sigh. She has stopped cutting but hasn't gotten over her eating disorder yet. I found out about a year or so ago that she's anorexic. "No. Time for supper."

"Not hungry."

"Well I wasn't giving you a choice. Now come on." She slowly gets up and walks downstairs. She sits at the bar while I make her something to eat. I set the plate in front of her. She looks up at me and says, "Please don't make me.." I sigh and say "baby I don't have a choice. You need to be healthy. And starving yourself is NOT healthy."

"But its also unhealthy to be this fat." She thinks she's like Santa, doesn't she? "Seriously. Skylar, you like a twig. Every time I hug you, I'm scared that I'm gonna brake you. Trust me when I say this, you're perfect. And you don't need to change they way you look or act for anyone. Okay?" She nods and starts to eat.

"I'm so proud of you baby."


Woooaaahhhh.. What about those speeches from Marissa and Dallas...?

When I wrote them, I was thinking about all of you people out there who have ever self- harmed, or have ever had (or still have) an eating disorder. I, myself, have once had an eating disorder. I still struggle with self- harm, but it's getting better.

Just remember, the voices are there to hurt you, not help you.

I'm always here for anyone who wants to talk. I love you all<3

And remember to,



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