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Sorry for the time jumps. I'm just trying to get this story going.

August 20, 2006

Skylar's POV

"Happy birthday baby girl!" I open my eyes and see Dallas hovering over me. "Happy birthday Skylar!" I look over and I barely see Maddie over my bed. I smile and say, "Thanks guys. Now go say it to Demi before she flips." I look at Dallas and she nods. They walk out of the room together. Dallas shuts the door on the way out.

I get up and walk into the bathroom. I shut and lock the door. I walk over to the shower and turn it on. I sigh a little bit.

Demi has been a little nice to me for a while. But she's still the same old Demi. She probably only being nice because she wanted good present for our birthday. Then after today, she'll go back to being a royal bitch.

I'm turning 14 today, and I'm not looking forward to it. A whe bunch of people are coming over. For Demi. All of her friends, also known as, my bullies. Crazy, huh? My own sister is one of my bullies. It sucks a lot, because other people who get bullied, get to go home and relax. They don't have to worry and them until the next day.

Unlike me, I get it 18/7. The other hours are when we're sleeping. Literally, in the morning, she wakes me up by saying, get up bitch. It's time for fucking school. Then I sigh, and take a shower.

That's why I hate my birthday. All of my bullies, at my house. Torturing me, on a day that's supposed to be happy for both me, AND Demi. Not just her.

I hop out of the shower and go to my room. I dry off and put on my usual outfit style. Black skinny jeans, a band tee and a sweatshirt. I get dressed and dry my hair. I straighten it, and walk down stairs.

I go into the kitchen, avoiding everyone as much as possible. I go into the fridge. I grab an apple and go back up to my room. As I'm walking to my room, I hear someone in there. I slowly creep into my room, to see Demi looking though my stuff. I immediately get pissed. "Demi! What the fuck are you doing?! This is my room! Get out!!!" I yell at her. She storms off by me. I hear her mutter something like, "emo bitch."

I walk into the bathroom, lock the door, and let the tears flow. I grab my blade that is taped behind the toilet. I sit down on the toilet and roll up my sleeve. I press the blade hard to my skin and slide it across. I keep cutting and crying for another ten minutes. Then I hear a knock on the door. "Skylar? Is that you? Open the door baby, it's mom." I jump up, "Hold on a second." I start washing off my cuts. I put my blade into my pocket and roll my sleeves down. I walk to the door and open it. "Baby are you okay?" I look up at my mom with complete disgust in my eyes. As I walked past her i said,

"I'm fine."

Dallas's POV

I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through Twitter when someone comes bursting through my door and jumps into bed with me. I look down and see Skylar cuddle up to me, crying. It brakes my heart to see her like this. I don't know what she ever did to make everyone, especially Demi, hate her so much. She's such a beautiful and innocent girl.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She can barely breath from crying so much. "D-Demi wwas llooking through m-my stuff. Anndd w-when I told her to leave, s-she ccalled me a-an emo bitch." I gasped. Why the FUCK would Demi do that? She knows how sensitive Skylar is! I'm gonna get Demi for this later.

"Okay. Skylar, look at me." She shook her head no. "Please." She shook her head again. I pull her chin up with my finger.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. You're literally perfect. It kills me that she is saying these things about you. But, I'm gonna fix it okay? Anyways, you know she's just jealous of you. I love you baby girl, so much. Like I said, I'm gonna fix this. I promise."

"Dallas, don't even bother. She isn't going to listen to anything you have to say anyways. I don't want her to hate you too."

"Hold the fuck up." Holy shit, Dallas never swears. She's really mad. "Look, I don't give a fuck what she thinks about me. Her words don't hurt me. You know why? Because she's a fucking bratt. She doesn't deserve the tv shows or any of that. I'm gonna go talk to her, okay? You go get cleaned up before everyone shows up."

She walks off into her room. I wait a while then get up. I walk into Demi's room and she's laying on her bed facing the other way.

"What the ACTUAL FUCK did you say to Skylar!?"

Demi's POV

"What the ACTUAL FUCK did you say to Skylar?!"

That one sentence made my heart drop. I turned around and let out a breath of relief. It's just Dallas. I laugh. "Oh relax. I just told her the truth. No matter how devastating it may be. Now, get over it, Dallas. Who's true sister are you? Mine, or hers?"

Then, she did something I certainly didn't expect. She walked up to me and slapped me. My face is now numb. That's how hard she hit me.

"You know what? You little bitch, she is your twin! She is your sister! She is your family! And YOU need to start treating her like it! Because you know what? If you don't fucking knock it off, I'm telling mom and Eddie. And I will make sure, you are never on that tv again. I'm sick of you treating her like shit, just because you're jealous." Then, she walked out, slamming my door.

Am I seriously that mean to her? Do I cause her that much pain? Yes, I am jealous of her. So jealous. She's so perfect. She's the beautiful twin. Skinny, loved by everyone, perfect hair. We're twins. Why am I so?? Gross.

I'm walking to the bathroom when I hear crying coming from Skylar's room. I walk up to the door. I'm about to knock when I hear someone talk. I put my ear against the door so I could hear better. "Baby, it's going to be okay. I promise." Then I heard her yell back, "NO ITS NOT ,DALLAS! SHE HATES ME!" There's a pause while she's crying and then she starts talking again. "I'm not gonna survive this party tonight. They're gonna hurt me. I know it. Something's gonna go wrong."

"I'll protect you baby girl, don't worry."

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