Here We Go Again

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Skylar's POV

We just got home and Demi ran into the house and into her room. I walked to her door and knocked. "Go away." Her voice cracked so she must be crying. "Demi. Let me in." I heard her let out a sob so I opened the door.

She jumped up when I walked in. She hid her arms behind her back. I looked on the floor by her feet and there were drops of blood along with a blade. I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

"Show me. Now." She shook her head. "I said now." She hesitantly put out her arms from behind her back. I walked towards her and grabbed her then pulled her into the bathroom. I sat her on the toilet then shut and locked the door. I turned out the sink and grabbed a towel. I put it under the water then wiped off her arms.

"Shit Demi. These look really deep."

"I'm sorry." I put bandaids on both wrists then stood her up. "You have nothing to be sorry about. Now, let's get you out of these clothes." She nodded and went back into her room. I grabbed a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt for her then left.

I walked into my room then went and sat at my desk. I pulled my phone and texted Jace.

Me: Hey can you come pick me up?

Jace: where are you?

Me: earth, North America, Texas, Dallas, my home, my room, my desk. To be exact.

Jace: funny. Be there in 10

Me: ilysm

Jace: whatever.

I walked down to the kitchen. Mom was in there making lunch. "Hey, can I go to Jace's?" She turns around and looks at me. "Sure, you have to be back by 1am though." I nod then go back up to my room. I look at what I'm wearing in the mirror. There's a red spot on my pocket, Demi's blood. I pull the blade out of my pocket. I go into the bathroom and wash it off. I put it I my make up bag then go back into my room. I change into a pair of black skinny jeans and a Nirvana tee. I grab my jacket and put it on. I shut my door then go to my bed. I lift the right corner enough to see a bag full of white powder. I slide it in my jacket pocket along with my phone charger. I go to my closet. I go to my favorite red sweatshirt and grab the pack of cigarettes out of it, sliding it into my other pocket.

I grab my phone and go down the stairs. I say bye to mom then walk outside where Jace is already waiting for me.

"Took you long enough. Did you bring it?" "No shit. Now go before my mom comes out here." He nods then takes off. "I'm gonna call everyone and see if they wanna hang out too." "Cool." After 15 minutes of talking on the phone, we arrived at Jace's house. We walked in and up to his room. His mom walked in.

"Hey Skylar. Been a while. How are you?"

"Good, Demi's almost done with her movie." She sighed. And mumbled something like "I didn't ask about Demi." That's why I love this family. They know how Demi really acts.

"Sorry." She nods then leaves.


"Lydia Cervantes! Let me have some too you bitch!" She laughs at me. "No. Buy your own."

"Now how the hell am I supposed to do that when my twin sister is fucking Demi Lovato?" She hands me a can. I smile and say, "That's what I thought."


"I gotta get home. Bye guys." They all nod as I head out the door. Because of how drunk I am, I walk around back a d decided to walk through the alleys instead. I was about half way home when I heard something behind me. I turn around in time to see someone hide behind a few boxes.

"Hey! Who's there?" Nothing. "I know you're there! I saw you dude!" The person comes from behind the boxes and starts to walk towards me. I stutter out a few words. "Wh-who are y-you?" I start to back up but then hit something. Well, someone.

"I've missed you Demi."


Shit, what just happened?!?!

What's gonna happen to Skylar?!



The Life and Death of Skylar LovatoWhere stories live. Discover now