Gonna Get Caught

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Demi's POV

I'm sitting in the courthouse, staring at Joe, when someone calls my name.

"Demetria Devonne Lovato. Born August 20th, 1992 to Dianna Hart and Patrick Lovato. Correct?"

I nod and look at my parents, Dallas, Skylar, and Maddie.

"Okay, so, why don't you tell the jury about the events on the day of September 18th."

"Uhhhm. Sure. I was walking up to the school when someone came behind me and put a rag over my mouth and nose. Everything went black. I woke up when I was thrown on the floor. I stood up when I heard something behind me. I turned around and saw Joe standing by the door. I asked him what he wanted,"

I started to cry.

"He said he wanted me. I said no and he cornered me. He started to kiss me and I tried to throw him off but he was too strong. He picked me up and threw me on a mattress. I told him if he stopped then, that I wouldn't tell anyone. He laughed and took out a knife and said if I told anyone anything, he was gonna kill me, my family and my best friend. Then he, uh, took off my pants. Then he took his off. He, uh, you know... And whenever I said anything or yelled at him to stop, he hit me, or punched me in the stomach or face. When he was done, he threw my clothes at me and he got dressed. When we were both dressed, he dragged me out to his car and drove me back to school. Before he left though, he took out the knife again and said "remember our deal" and drove me back. When i got to school, I found Marissa and Skylar and they helped me get cleaned up and took me home."

I looked back at my mom who was in tears.

"That's all. Thank you miss Lovato."

I nodded and Joe's lawyer came to talk to me.

"Demi, if I may call you that, of course." I nodded and he continued on. "Demi, is it true that you and Mr. Jonas recently did a movie together?"


"And is it true, that you and Mr. Jonas recently dated as well?" "Yes. But I don't see what that has to do with anything. He broke up with me a day or so before the.... incident." I glanced at Joe and saw him roll his eyes. "Now, Demi, is it possible that, oh I don't know, maybe Joe believed this was what you wanted?"

"I don't see how that's possible."

"Is it possible that someone might have bribed Mr. Jonas into doing something like this? Do you have any, say, enemies?"

"Yes, I mean, who doesn't? Tell me, do YOU have any enemies?"

"We are not here to discuss my personal life, Miss Lovato. Now, answer the question. Is it possible that Mr. Jonas was bribed?"

"Well yes, but it was still his choice to do what he did."

"That is all. Your honor, the defense would like to call Mr. Joe Jonas to the stand."

"I'll allow it. Mr. Jonas."

I walked back to the desk I was sitting at before. I watched as Joe talked, not really listening.


"Your honor, by the power invested in me, by the state of Texas, we the jury find the defendant, Joe Jonas, guilty of rape and assault."

The judge hit her gavel and said case dismissed.

That's it. I won. Joe's going to jail.

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